
uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide

C.2 HTTP Server settings

To specify HTTP Server settings for HA monitor, follow the steps below:

  1. Install HTTP Server onto the local disks of each system.

  2. Create a configuration file for HTTP Server and distribute it onto each system.

Note the following points when setting up the server.

Organization of this subsection

(1) For a virtual host

As a result of system switching, the server name returned to the client might change. Therefore, be sure to set the ServerName directive on virtual hosts.

(2) Specifying IP addresses

Instead of a physical IP address, use a logical IP address (alias IP address) for the directives that need an IP address to be specified (<VirtualHost>, BindAddress, and Listen.)

(3) Checking the configuration file syntax

Before starting the HA monitor, run /opt/hitachi/httpsd/sbin/httpsdctl configtest to make sure that the server settings are correct.

(4) Editing the configuration file

By running httpsdctl restart or httpsdctl graceful directly from the command line, you can change the settings of HTTP Server while HA monitor is in use. Your changes need to be applied to the other system as well.

(5) Operation by using CRL

When operating by using CRL, the same type of CRL as the one being used for the active system needs to be set for the standby system.