
uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide

A. Status codes

The following table describes the status codes that HTTP Server returns to the Web browser. When HTTP Server returns a status code to the Web browser, an error message is automatically generated according to the status code and is returned as HTML encoded in ISO-8859-1.

Table A‒1: List of status codes

Status code


100 Continue

Client can continue requests.

200 OK

Normal Exit

204 No Content

The request has ended normally, but there is no resource to return.

The Web server generates the status code as per specifications of the ImapDefault nocontent directive.

206 Partial Content

Returns the partial resource.

The Web server generates the status code when partial contents are returned to the Partial GET request that uses the client Range header.

300 Multiple Choices

Multiple pages can be made available.

301 Moved Permanently

The resource is moved permanently.

The Web server generates this status code based on the request http://Host-name [:Port-number]/Directory-name for the directory that is not closed by a forward slash (/), and as per specifications of the Redirect permanent directive.

302 Found

The resource is moved temporarily.

The Web server generates the status code based on specifications of the Redirect temp directive.

303 See Other

The resource is moved.

The Web server generates the status code based on specifications of the Redirect see other directive.

304 Not Modified

The requested contents are not changed.

400 Bad Request

The request has a syntax error.

This status code is generated when:

  • A wrong header is specified.

  • There is no host header in HTTP/1.1.

  • The number of requested headers exceeds the value of the LimitRequestFields directive.

  • The size of one request header exceeded the value of the LimitRequestFieldsize directive.

  • The CONNECT method was used to send a request to a static content file or a CGI program located on the HTTP Server.

401 Unauthorized

Authentication is required to access resources. This status code occurs when access is controlled by the AuthName directive or AuthUserFile directive.

402 Payment Required

This status code is reserved for future use.

403 Forbidden

Access to the resource is forbidden.

The Web server generates this status code when access is denied by the access control or there is a request to execute the CGI program without execution permission.

404 Not Found

The resource is not found.

The Web server generates this status code when there is a request for a file that is not on the server.

405 Method Not Allowed

The client uses a method that is not allowed.

For static content files on the HTTP Server, GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, and TRACE are usable methods. In CGI programs, usable methods depend on the implementation of the CGI program.

406 Not Acceptable

The client cannot respond as per the type specified in the Accept header.

407 Proxy Authentication Required

The client must first authenticate itself on the proxy.

408 Request Timeout

The request has timed out.

409 Conflict

The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current resource status.

410 Gone

The client cannot use the resource permanently.

The Web server generates this status code based on specifications of the Redirect gone directive.

411 Length Required

Client needs to specify the Content-Length header.

412 Precondition Failed

Conditions specified in the If-Unmodified-Since header or in the If-Matched header of the client do not match.

413 Request Entity Too Large

The request body size is very large and the server cannot process it.

The Web server generates this status code when the length of the request body is larger than the length specified in the LimitRequestBody directive.

414 Request-URI Too Long

The request URI is very large and the server cannot process it.

The Web server generates this status code when the length of the URI that includes the inquiry character string is larger than the length specified in the LimitRequestLine directive.

415 Unsupported Media Type

The server denied processing of the request, because the server does not support the media type of the requested data.

416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable

The specification range of the Range header exceeds the corresponding resource range. The Web server generates this status code when all the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The request includes the Range header field.

  • The specified value of the field range does not overlap the current range of the selected resource.

  • The request does not include the field of the If-Range request header.

417 Expectation Failed

The extension of Expect request header field is not received.

422 Unprocessable Entity

Although the request was valid, it is impossible to follow the request, because the meaning is incorrect.

423 Locked

The resource being accessed is locked.

424 Failed Dependency

The method could not be run for the resource, because the requested action depends on another action that failed.

500 Internal Server Error

An Error has occurred on the Web server.

The Web server generates this status code when there is a problem in the CGI program and when an error occurs in the access control file (.htaccess). The detailed information is output in the error log.

501 Not Implemented

The request was for an unsupported method.

502 Bad Gateway

The proxy server has received an incorrect request.

503 Service Unavailable

The server cannot process the current request due to overloading.

504 Gateway Timeout

The request necessary for completing another request has timed out. For example, a timeout occurred while receiving a response from the CGI.

505 HTTP Version Not Supported

The server does not support or refused to support the HTTP protocol version used in the requested message.

506 Variant Also Negotiates

An internal deployment error occurs in the server.

507 Insufficient Storage

The method cannot be run with the resource, because the expressions necessary for the server to normally complete the request cannot be saved on the server.

510 Not Extended

The request does not meet the policies for accessing the resource.


The status codes mentioned in this table and other status codes are output from the top level CGI programs integrated with HTTP Server. In such cases, see the manuals of the respective programs.

When using the reverse proxy, status codes 400 Bad Request, 403 Forbidden, and 502 Bad Gateway may become status codes 400 Proxy Error, 403 Proxy Error, and 502 Proxy Error.