
uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide

2.4.3 Starting HTTP Server (httpsd command)

You can use this method to start HTTP Server by specifying the root directory and the httpsd.conf file of the server.

Before you run the httpsd command, set the PRFSPOOL environment variable.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

/opt/hitachi/httpsd/sbin/httpsd [[-d directory] [-f file-name] [-R directory] | -v | -t]

(2) Options

(3) How to restart

You can use the kill command to restart HTTP Server:

kill {-HUP | -USR1} `cat PidFile-directive-specified-value`

(4) How to end

When you use the httpsd command to start HTTP Server, execute the following command to end the process and stop HTTP Server:

kill {-TERM | -USR2} `cat PidFile-directive-specified-value`

(5) How to confirm the start

To confirm the start of HTTP Server, check the control process. For details, see (3) Monitoring the control process of 4.1.4 Operation management.

In addition, make sure that the following message is output to the error log after HTTP Server starts:

Cosminexus HTTP Server version (Unix) configured -- resuming normal operations