
uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide

4.1.7 Defining administered objects

This subsection describes the details on defining the administered objects in the HITACHI Connector Property File with reference to each tag. You can specify the definition about the Administered object only for the resource adapter that complies with the specifications of Connector 1.5.

Note that the tag details are described in the order mentioned in 4.1.1 Specifications of the HITACHI Connector Property file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) <adminobject>


This tag defines the administered objects provided by the resource adapter.

Specifiable value


Tag omission

You can omit this tag.

Value omission

You cannot omit the value of this tag.

(2) <adminobject-name>


This tag specifies the administered object name.

This name must be unique within a resource adapter.

Specifiable value

You can use alphanumeric characters (0 to 9, A to Z, and a to z) and the following special characters:

Space ( ), exclamation mark (!), double quotation mark ("), hash mark (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), single quotation ('), left parenthesis and right parenthesis (() ()), asterisk (*), plus sign (+), comma (,), hyphen (-), period (.), colon (:), semicolon (;), less-than sign (<), equal sign (=), greater-than sign (>), question mark (?), at mark (@), square brackets ([) (]), yen sign ([Figure]), caret (^), underscore (_), grave accent mark (`), curly brackets ({) (}), vertical bar (|), and tilde (~)

You cannot specify the following names:

  • Name containing a period (.) at the beginning or at the end

  • Name containing a period (.) only

  • Name containing continuous underscores (_)

Any single-byte space or linefeed at the beginning or end of the character string is removed.

Tag omission

You can omit this tag.

Value omission

You cannot omit the value of this tag.

(3) <adminobject-interface>


This tag specifies the interface implemented by the administered object class.

Specifiable value

There are no limitations for the input value.

Tag omission

You cannot omit this tag.

Value omission

You cannot omit the value of this tag.

(4) <adminobject-class>


This tag specifies the administered object class.

Specifiable value

There are no limitations for the input value.

Tag omission

You cannot omit this tag.

Value omission

You cannot omit the value of this tag.

(5) <config-property>


This tag defines the configuration property for the administered object.

Specifiable value


Tag omission

You can omit this tag.

Value omission

You cannot omit the value of this tag.

(6) <description>


This tag describes the configuration property.

Specifiable value

There are no limitations for the input value.

Tag omission

You can omit this tag.

Value omission

You can omit the value of this tag.

(7) <config-property-name>


This tag specifies the configuration property name.

Specifiable value

You cannot specify a duplicate name. See 4.1.10 Properties that you can specify in the <config-property> tag set up for DB Connector.

Tag omission

You cannot omit this tag.

Value omission

You cannot omit the value of this tag.

(8) <config-property-type>


This tag specifies the Java type of the configuration property requested by the adminobject instance.

Specifiable value

Specify any one of the following:

  • java.lang.Boolean

  • java.lang.String

  • java.lang.Integer

  • java.lang.Double

  • java.lang.Byte

  • java.lang.Short

  • java.lang.Long

  • java.lang.Float

  • java.lang.Character

Tag omission

You cannot omit this tag.

Value omission

You cannot omit the value of this tag.

(9) <config-property-value>


This tag specifies the configuration property value.

The following operation is performed, when executing the cjsetresprop command and the cjsetrarprop command:

When the <config-property-value> tag is not specified

The property information is set up as blank.

When the <config-property-value> tag is specified, and if the value is blank

The property information is set up as blank.

When the <config-property-value> tag is specified, and a value is also specified

The value specified in the property is set up.

Specifiable value

There are no limitations for the input value.

Tag omission

You can omit this tag.

Value omission

You can omit the value of this tag.