
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

-XX:[+|-]HitachiLocalsSimpleFormat (Option for changing the output format of the local variable information)

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This option outputs the local variable information in a simple format.


This option outputs the local variable information in a normal format.


Change the output format of the local variable information to the simple output format, in which one variable is output in one line.

Default value
  • -XX:-HitachiLocalsSimpleFormat

Prerequisite options
  • -XX:+HitachiLocalsInThrowable

  • -XX:+HitachiLocalsInStackTrace

Output format

   (type) name = value
   (type) name = value

For the details on output contents for the type, name, and value, see -XX:[+|-]HitachiLocalsInThrowable (Option for collecting the local variable information when an exception occurs).

Examples of output

The following is an example of output using Java program example 1:

 at Example1.method(
   (Example1) this = <0x922f42d0>
   (int) l1 [arg1] = 1
   (char) l2 [arg2] = 'Q'
   (java.lang.Object) l3 [arg3] = <0xaf112f08>
   (float) l4 = 4.000000
   (boolean) l5 = true
   (double) l6 = 1.79769E+308
   (java.lang.Object[]) l7 = <0x922f42d8>
 at Example1.main(