
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

8.2.17 .mngsvrmonitorrc (Settings file of the monitor startup command for JP1/IM integration)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

J2SE property file format.

(2) File storage location

Home directory of OS user who operates JP1/IM - View

(3) Functionality

In the case of integrating with JP1/IM, specify the settings required for starting up the Management Server operation portal from the JP1/IM screen. Note that this file is for Windows.

(4) Application timing

After the settings file is changed, the updated information is applied during the next execution of the mngsvrmonitor command.

(5) Specifiable keys

The following table describes the keys that you can specify in the settings file of the monitor startup command, their contents, and the default values when the specification is omitted:

Key name


Default value


Specify the commands of the Web browser to be started, in the full path. To specify a path that includes spaces, enclose the path in double quotation marks ("). When this key is omitted, the default browser set in the Windows registry is started (In case, default browser is not set, error occurs).

(Example of settings)

mngsvrmonitor.browser ="C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe"

Default browser of the registry

Specify host name and port number of Cosminexus Management Server in the following format.

Host name [:Port number]

(Example of settings)

Port number: 28080


Specify the management user password corresponding to the management user ID set in 'Setting management user accounts' of the management portal. Note that this key is not required if a password has not been set.

(Example of settings)


Specification of this property is ignored if the functionality to omit the management user account is enabled.



Specify the management user ID set in 'Setting management user accounts' of the management portal. If this key is omitted, the Login screen of the management portal appears.

(Example of settings)


Specification of this property is ignored if the functionality to omit the management user account is enabled.
