
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

6.2.2 (CJMSP broker common properties file)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

Specify the key as follows:

Specification method
  • The string up to the linefeed is a value.

  • The line beginning with a hash mark (#) is a comment.

  • If you define a line without a value, the line is ignored.

  • If the value specified is not within the range, the value outside the range is used. If a value is not specified, the previous value is used. In such cases, a warning message appears on the console.

(2) File storage location

(3) Functionality

Describes the property files for batch setting of all CJMSP broker properties.

If the contents of the file are changed while CJMSP broker is running, the changed contents are applied and enabled when CJMSP broker restarts.

(4) Specifiable keys

The following are the keys that can be specified. For details, see 6.2.3 (CJMSP broker individual properties file).

(a) Connection service

The following are the keys that can be specified for the connection service. For details, see 6.2.3(4)(a) Connection service.

  • imq.hostnamekey

(b) Persistence service

The following are the keys that can be specified for the persistence service. For details, see 6.2.3(4)(b) Persistence service.

  • imq.persist.file.sync.enabledkey

(c) Settings for creating destinations automatically

The following are the keys that can be specified for creating destinations automatically. For details, see 6.2.3(4)(c) Settings for creating destinations automatically.

  • imq.autocreate.destination.maxNumMsgskey

  • imq.autocreate.destination.maxTotalMsgByteskey

  • imq.autocreate.queue.consumerFlowLimitkey

  • imq.autocreate.topic.consumerFlowLimitkey

(d) Setting monitoring properties

The following shows the keys that can be set for monitoring properties. For details, see 6.2.3(4)(d) Setting monitoring properties.

  • imq.metrics.intervalkey

(e) CJMSP broker log properties

The following are the keys that can be set for CJMSP broker log properties. For details, see 6.2.3(4)(e) CJMSP broker log properties.

  • broker.logger.ExceptionLogFile.filenumkey

  • broker.logger.ExceptionLogFile.filesizekey

  • broker.logger.MessageLogFile.filenumkey

  • broker.logger.MessageLogFile.filesizekey

  • broker.logger.MessageLogFile.trace.levelkey