
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

5.2.1 usrconf (Option definition file for server management commands for UNIX)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

This option definition file is in the shell script file format.

Specify the key as follows:

set key-name=value

(2) File storage location


(3) Functionality

This file specifies the invocation options of the JavaVM that executes the server management commands. Note that this file is for UNIX.

(4) Specifiable keys

The following table describes the specifiable keys and the default values:

Key name




This key invokes JavaVM by using the specified option. You can specify the following JavaVM options:

  • -Xmssize

  • -Xmxsize

  • -Xsssize

  • -Xdebug

  • -XrunlibraryName


  • -XX:MetaspaceSize

  • -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize

For details about default values, see 5.2.1(6) Default value for JavaVM options in server management commands.


This key adds the set value to the class path. If you want to specify multiple values, demarcate them with a colon (:).



This key adds the set value to the environment variable of library search path. If you want to specify multiple values, demarcate them with a colon (:).


# Even if you specify, log data will be output to the default log output destination for server management commands when the following operations are performed:

  • Use the mngsvrutil command to display a list of J2EE applications

    mngsvrutil list appStatus | resStatus | resJavaBeansStatus

  • Perform Manage logical server applications on the management portal

  • Use Remote Management of Management Server

  • Perform operations on the HCSC server

(5) JavaVM options that can be specified in USRCONF_JVM_ARGS (in usrconf)

This section describes the Java HotSpot VM options that you can specify in USRCONF_JVM_ARGS and points to note when specifying these options.

The following table describes Java HotSpot VM options that you can specify in USRCONF_JVM_ARGS. VR is the version of Application Server on which parameters are introduced or changed.

Key name


Specifiable value



This key sets the initial size for the Java heap.

The input is not limited.



This key sets the maximum size for the Java heap.

  • If a command cannot be executed normally because memory becomes insufficient during command execution, specify this option to increase the maximum size of the memory allocation pool.

  • If a server management command is started when the operation-target file is large, the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError message might be displayed on the console from which the command was started. If this message is displayed, specify this option and the -Xms option to adequately tune the Java VM memory allocation size.


set USRCONF_JVM_ARGS="-Xms64m -Xmx256m"

The input is not limited.



This key sets the maximum size for one stack area.

The input is not limited.



This key invokes JavaVM with the debugger in enable status.

The input is not limited.



This key loads the library.

The input is not limited.


This key specifies the path of the directory where the log file is output. Use a forward slash (/) as the delimiter in the directory path.

The input is not limited.



This key sets the minimum threshold value for Full GC in the metaspace area. This value is used in the calculation of changing the threshold value.

The input is not limited.



This key specifies the maximum size for the Metaspace area.

The input is not limited.


(6) Default value for JavaVM options in server management commands

The following is the default value for JavaVM options in server management commands:

(7) Examples of coding

#!/bin/csh -f
set USRCONF_JVM_ARGS="-Xms64m -Xmx512m"
set USRCONF_JVM_CLPATH=/usr/home/lib/mylib.jar
set USRCONF_JVM_LIBPATH=/usr/home/bin

(8) Precautions