
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

4.11.15 Parameters that set up the files to be used in the JavaVM startup parameters

The following table describes the parameters that set up the files to be used in the JavaVM startup parameters. In the table below, Default value means the value that is assumed when the parameter is not specified. VR is the version of Application Server on which parameters are introduced or changed.

Table 4‒90: Parameters that set up the files to be used in the JavaVM startup parameters

Value of param-name

Value of param-value

Specifiable value

Default value



Specifies the contents of the auto-allocation setup file to be used in the auto-allocation functionality of the Explicit Memory Management functionality. The contents specified here are applied to Cosminexus-installation-directory/CC/server/usrconf/ejb/real-server-name/auto_explicit_memory.cfg.#

String of one or more characters




Specifies the contents of the user-extended performance analysis trace setup file to be used in user-extended performance analysis trace. The contents specified here are applied to Cosminexus-installation-directory/CC/server/usrconf/ejb/real-server-name/userprf.cfg.#

String of one or more characters




Specify the param-value value in the CDATA section.








The single-byte spaces and linefeeds before and after all the contents specified in the CDATA section are ignored.