
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

4.11.13 Parameters used for setting up the usage of SecurityManager

The following table describes the parameters used for setting up the usage of SecurityManager. In the table below, Default value means the value that is assumed when the parameter is not specified. VR is the version of Application Server on which parameters are introduced or changed.

You can specify these parameters in the J2EE server and the batch server.

Related information is the reference location for information related to the specified key. uCosminexus Application Server is omitted from the manual names.

Table 4‒88: Parameters used for setting up the SecurityManager usage

Value of param-name

Value of param-value

Specifiable value

Default value


Related information

Specifies whether to use SecurityManager in the J2EE server startup options. Specify one of the following values:


Use functionality.


Do not use functionality.

The following strings can be specified:

  • true

  • false



2.2.5 Preventing invalid processing in the Security Management Guide