
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

4.10.1 Parameters used for setting up the method of linking a web server with a J2EE server

The following table describes the parameters used for setting up the method of linking a web server with a J2EE server. In the table below, Default value means the value that is assumed when the parameter is not specified. VR is the version of Application Server on which parameters are introduced or changed.

Table 4‒7: Parameters used for setting up the method of linking a web server with a J2EE server

Value of param-name

Value of param-value

Specifiable value

Default value



Specifies the method of linking a web server with a J2EE server. You can specify either of the following values:


A reverse proxy is used. Specify this to link with a J2EE server that is not in V9 compatibility mode. If you specify this when the linkage-target J2EE server is in V9 compatibility mode, request processing fails because requests cannot be forwarded to the J2EE server. To link with a J2EE server in V9 compatibility mode, specify redirector so that linkage is performed by using a redirector.


A redirector is used. Specify this to link with a J2EE server in V9 compatibility mode. If the linkage-target J2EE server is not in V9 compatibility mode, request processing fails because requests cannot be forwarded to the J2EE server. To link with a J2EE server that is not in V9 compatibility mode, specify reverseproxy so that linkage is performed by using a reverse proxy.

If you specify reverseproxy when specifying item for the SetBy parameter, the parameters shown in 4.10.4 Parameters used for setting up a reverse proxy become effective when you distribute the settings.

If you specify reverseproxy, you cannot specify text for the SetBy parameter.

If you want to directly specify the contents of configuration files, you need to specify redirector.#2

If the host on which the Web server is running is UNIX, the worker MPM module is included when reverseproxy is specified, and the prefork MPM module is included when redirector is specified. For details about worker MPM and prefork MPM, see the manual Cosminexus HTTP Server.

If the host on which the Web server is running is UNIX and you plan to change a value after it has been specified, delete the Web server environment in advance by using the hwsserveredit -delete command.

The following strings can be specified:

  • reverseproxy

  • redirector




You cannot change this parameter after the Web server has been built.

Specifying this parameter affects the following items:


If you specify redirector, you can use the following method to link via a reverse proxy, even when the J2EE server is not in V9 compatibility mode:

  • For the SetBy parameter, specify text.

  • For the AllText parameter, specify the contents of the httpsd.conf file (HTTP Server configuration file) that contains the reverse proxy settings.

    For details about the reverse proxy settings, see 4.7 Setting the reverse proxy in the manual uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide.