
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

4.6.1 Details of the host definition file for scale out

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

This file is in the XML format.

(2) File storage location

Store this file at any work location.

(3) Functionality

This is a definition file for scaling out the Web system of the host unit management model, built using the commands provided with the Smart Composer functionality. This file defines the Web system information of the re-produced destination host.

Copy and use the following template files:

Reference note

The character encoding in the template file is UTF-8.

(4) Specifiable elements

The host definition file for scaling out defines the host to be added and load balancer to be used in the Web system at the re-produced destination.

The structure of the host definition file for scaling out is as follows. Specify the <host-scaleout> and <web-system> tags in this format.

Organization of the host definition file for scale out

<host-scaleout xmlns="">
  <!-- Definition of the Web system at re-produced destination -->
    <!-- Definition of Web system attributes -->
  <!-- Definition of the re-produced destination host -->

The following table lists and describes each tag and the default values:

Tag names




Defines the Web system at the re-produced destination.

Specify this tag to change the definition of the Web system at the re-produced destination. For defining the multiple Web systems, specify the <web-system> tag for each Web system.



Specifies the name of the Web system at the re-produced destination for changing the settings.



Defines the re-produced destination host.

A host can be shared among multiple Web systems.



Specifies the host name or IP address for operations. Specifies the host name within 32 characters. The permitted name is a combination of alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), and hyphen (-). Specifies the IP address in dot notations ( where xxx is an integer in the range from 0 to 255.



Specifies the host display name within 128 characters. There are no restrictions on the permitted characters.



Specifies a comment about the host within 1,024 characters. There are no restrictions on the permitted characters.



Specifies the host name or IP address of the Cosminexus Administration Agent. Specifies the host name within 32 characters. The permitted name is a combination of alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), and hyphen (-). Specifies the IP address in dot notations ( where xxx is an integer in the range from 0 to 255.

Value specified in the <host-name> tag


If the host definition is omitted, the host name of the re-produced destination host is assumed to be the <host-name> tag, and the host will be defined.

(5) Examples of coding

The following table describes an example of items specified in the re-produced source host and re-produced destination host:

Table 4‒3: Example of items specified in the re-produced source host and re-produced destination host

Setup items

Re-produced source host

Re-produced destination host

Web system name



Host name



IP address

Management IP address

The following example describes the scale out using the disk image created by duplicating the host apsvA. This is a coding example for scaling out the system to execute J2EE applications.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<host-scaleout xmlns="">
  <!-- Definition of the Web system at the reproduction destination -->
    <!-- Definition of Web system attributes -->
  <!-- Definition of reproduction destination host -->