
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

4.3.7 Defining a physical tier

Organization of this subsection

(1) <tier>


You must define this tag.

Defines the physical tier.

There are five types of physical tiers; combined-tier, http-tier, j2ee-tier, ctm-tier and free-tier. These physical tiers, single or combination of multiple tiers configure a Web system.

The specifiable physical tier configurations are as follows:

  • combined-tier configuration

  • http-tier and j2ee-tier configuration#1

  • http-tier configuration #2

  • j2ee-tier configuration

  • ctm-tier configuration

  • free-tier configuration#1

#1 You can use this configuration in a system set up with the Smart Composer functionality. You cannot use this configuration with a virtual system.

#2 You can use this configuration in a virtual system. You cannot use this configuration with a system set up with the Smart Composer functionality.

In the combined-tier configuration

Configure the Web server and J2EE server included in the service unit on one host, and define them in one <tier> tag.

In the http-tier and j2ee-tier configuration

Configure the Web server and J2EE server included in the service unit on different hosts, and define them in two <tier> tags.

In the http-tier configuration

Configure the Web server included in a service unit on one host and define the server in one <tier> tag. To use the http-tier configuration, you must prepare the virtual server of the j2ee-tier configuration associated with the virtual server group information file.

In the ctm-tier configuration

The ctm-tier defines tags in a Web system different from the Web system defining the combined-tier, http-tier, and j2ee-tier. For the ctm-tier configuration, configure the CTM-related logical server included in a service unit (CTM domain manager, CTM, and Smart Agent) and a J2EE server on one host, and define the servers in one <tier> tag.

Also, to allocate an integrated naming scheduler server, define the Web system separately for the integrated naming scheduler server and for the CTM.

The Web system for the integrated naming scheduler server configures the CTM-related logical server included in a service unit (CTM domain manager, CTM, and Smart Agent) on one host and defines the server in one <tier> tag.

To use the ctm-tier configuration in a virtual system, you must prepare the virtual server belonging to the management units of the combined-tier configuration in addition to the virtual server belonging to the management units of the ctm-tier configuration.

In the free-tier configuration

A configuration that does not match the definition of any other physical tier is defined as 1 tier tag. The free-tier physical tier is used in only the Easy Setup definition file generated during execution of cmx_export_model. In other cases, do not create the Easy Setup definition file that includes free-tier.

Specifiable value


Omitting tags

Cannot be omitted.

Omitting values

Cannot be omitted.

(2) <tier-type>


You must define this tag.

Specifies the types of physical tiers. The types of physical tiers are as follows:

  • combined-tier

  • http-tier

  • j2ee-tier

  • ctm-tier

  • free-tier

Specifiable value

The following strings can be specified:

  • combined-tier

  • http-tier

  • j2ee-tier

  • ctm-tier

  • free-tier

Omitting tags

Cannot be omitted.

Omitting values

Cannot be omitted.

(3) <j2ee-server-count>


Specifies the number of J2EE servers to be deployed on one host, when ctm-tier is specified in the <tier-type> tag, as an integer in the range from 0 to 32.

Specifiable value

Specify the value using an integer from 0 to 32.

In the Web system for the integrated naming scheduler server

Specify 0.

Web system for CTM

Specifies the number of J2EE servers to be deployed in one host for each Web system.

Note that when the configuration of the Web system is changed, the number of J2EE servers cannot be changed.

Omitting tags

Can be omitted.

Omitting values

Can be omitted.

(4) <configuration>


Defines the configuration to be applied to all the logical servers in the physical tier for each type of logical server.

For example, to define two configurations, such as Web server and J2EE server, use two <configuration> tags for definition, one for defining the Web server and the other for defining the J2EE server.

Specifiable value


Omitting tags

Can be omitted.

Omitting values

Can be omitted.

(5) <logical-server-type>


You must define this tag.

Specifies the types of logical servers for defining the configuration. The types of logical server are as follows:

  • web-server:Web server

  • j2ee-server:J2EE server

  • performance-tracer:Performance tracer

  • ctm-domain-manager:CTM domain manager

  • component-transaction-monitor:CTM

  • smart-agent:Smart Agent

The logical server that can define the configuration varies according to the physical tier type. The types of physical tiers are as follows:

In combined-tier

Web server, J2EE server, and performance tracer

In http-tier

Web server and performance tracer

In j2ee-tier

J2EE server and performance tracer

In ctm-tier

The logical servers that can be defined are different for each Web system.

  • In the Web system for the integrated naming scheduler server

    CTM domain manager, CTM, Smart Agent, and the performance tracer

  • Web system for CTM

    CTM domain manager, CTM, Smart Agent, J2EE server, and performance tracer


In a physical tier definition, you cannot specify the logical server configuration included in the user server and free-tier configuration. Specify these logical server configurations using unit definitions.

Specifiable value

The following strings can be specified:

  • web-server

  • j2ee-server

  • performance-tracer

  • ctm-domain-manager

  • component-transaction-monitor

  • smart-agent

Omitting tags

Cannot be omitted.

Omitting values

Cannot be omitted.

(6) <server-no>


Specifies the number for identifying the J2EE server when a common configuration is specified for specific J2EE servers within the physical tier.

The specifiable range is from 1 to the value specified in <j2ee-server-count>. Specify a unique number in the physical tier.

You can only specify this tag when ctm-tier is specified in the <tier-type> tag, and when the <j2ee-server-count> tag is specified.

This tag must not be specified if a common configuration is to be specified for all the J2EE servers within the physical tier.

Specifiable value

For 1 to the value specified for <j2ee-server-count>

Omitting tags

Can be omitted.

Omitting values

Can be omitted.

(7) <param>


You must define this tag.

Defines the name and value of a parameter used for setting up the logical server environment.

Enclose one parameter in each <param> tag.

For specifying the multiple values in a parameter, specify the <param-value> tag for each value.

Specifiable value


Omitting tags

Cannot be omitted.

Omitting values

Cannot be omitted.

(8) <param-name>


The <param-name> tag specifies the parameter name.

Specifiable value

For details about specifiable values, see 4.8 System configuration patterns and defined logical servers.

Omitting tags

Cannot be omitted.

Omitting values

Cannot be omitted.

(9) <param-value>


The <param-value> tag specifies the value set for parameters.

Specifiable value

For details about specifiable values, see 4.8 System configuration patterns and defined logical servers.

Omitting tags

Cannot be omitted.

Omitting values

Cannot be omitted.