
uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide

3.2.1 usrconf.cfg (Option definition file for batch servers)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

Specify the key as follows:

How to specify:
  • The string up to the linefeed is a value.

  • The line beginning with a hash mark (#) is a comment.

  • If you define a line without a value, the line is ignored.

  • You cannot add alphanumeric strings such as spaces and comments after the value. If you add such values, they will be considered as invalid.

(Example) key-name=value#comment

  • You cannot code with a character encoding that is different from the runtime character encoding.

(2) File storage location

(3) Functionality

Specify the invocation options of the JavaVM that execute the batch servers.

If you change the contents of this file while the batch server is running, the changes become effective only when the batch server is started next.

(4) Specifiable keys

The following table describes the specifiable keys and the default values. For details about keys, see 2.2.2 usrconf.cfg (Option definition file for J2EE servers). Furthermore, when referencing, substitute J2EE server and J2EE application for Batch server and Batch application respectively.

Important note

If you use multibyte characters within the files, integrate the multibyte characters and encode used in the following locations:

  • usrconf.cfg (option definition file for batch applications)

  • Arguments of the cjexecjob command (batch application execution command)

  • Source code of the batch application (java.lang.System.out or java.lang.System.err)

Table 3‒2: Specifiable keys and default values in usrconf.cfg (batch servers)

Key name


Default value


This key invokes JavaVM by using the specified option.

For details about the Java VM options that can be specified by using add.jvm.arg keys, see 14.1 List of JavaVM extension options and 14.5 Java HotSpot VM options that can be specified in Cosminexus.

For details about default values, see 3.2.1(5) Default values of JavaVM options for batch servers.


Specify the class path for a container extension library.

When you specify a path containing a space, you do not need to enclose the path in double quotation marks ("). Also, the path specified in double quotation marks is invalid.

To add a JAR file in the class path of a batch application class loader, specify the add.class.path key in the option definition file for batch applications.



Specify the shared library for JNI only when the container extension library uses JNI.



Do not edit this key manually.

When the batch option is specified in the cjsetup command and executed, true is displayed in the key value.

true (when -batch option is specified in -cjsetup command, and executed)


Specify the libstdc++ library version to be used in a process. Note that this key is used for Linux.

The specifiable string is as follows:


Use the library. This key is disabled even if set up on platforms other than Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

With version 09-00 or later, only 6 can be set up.


Start a batch server using the specified directory as the working directory of batch server.

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


ejb.server.corefilenum (in UNIX)

Specify the number of core files that remain when restarting a batch server.


Specify the output location directory of the log file.

Make sure that the specified log data output-destination directory is not shared with Cosminexus Manager, J2EE servers, or Web container servers (compatibility functionality). If the directory is shared, operations are not guaranteed.

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX



Specify the output format of the log file.



Specify the upper-limit for the size of the cjstdout.log file.



Specify the upper-limit for the size of the cjstderr.log file.



Specify the type of JavaVM to be used.



If both the add.library.path and OS environment variables (such as LIBPATH) are set up when executing the cjstartsv command or cjstartweb command, the add.library.path settings have a higher priority.

(5) Default values of JavaVM options for batch servers

The following are the default values of Java VM options for batch servers:

(6) Notes