
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

A. Port Numbers Used by Java VM and How to Change Their Settings

The table below shows the port numbers used by a Java VM, their purposes, and how to change port number settings.

Table A‒1: Port numbers used by a Java VM

Port number


Change method

1049 (TCP)

Used by the orbd command to receive a request for a persistent object.

Can be changed using the -port option of the orbd command.

% orbd -port port-number

1080 (TCP)

Used by the SOCKS protocol.

Can be changed by specifying a port number for the socksProxyPort property. #

% java -DsocksProxyPort=port-number

1098 (TCP)

Used by the rmid command to start an internal registry.

Can be change using the -port option of the rmid command.

% rmid -port port-number

1099 (TCP)

Used by the rmiregistry command to create a remote object registry.

Can be changed by specifying a port number in the rmiregistry command.

% rmiregistry port-number


You specify socks properties as part of the system properties for a J2EE server, Web container server, or EJB client application.