
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

javagc (forcibly perform GC)

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javagc [-i|-f] [-v] [-s] [-force] [-ehgc] -p process-ID


This command performs Full GC for a specific Java process (the process specified by process-ID) in the event of a memory leak or system failure and for the purpose of application debugging. The user can execute this command at any time of their choice. This command can also release Explicit memory blocks when performing Full GC.

The SIGQUIT signal is used for communicating with a Java process. When the command is executed, requests user to check the process contents of the command. When the response is n (do not generate, execute, or send), the command does not execute the process contents of the command (the return value is 1). You can omit this configuration step by specifying the -f option.

If the specified Java process is already performing Copy GC or Full GC triggered by a non-critical event, the command starts processing after the GC is completed.



Ask the user to check the following process contents:

  • Whether to perform GC for the specified process (in Windows only)

  • Whether to execute the Explicit memory block release for the process given in process-ID

  • Whether to send the SIGQUIT signal in order to perform GC (in UNIX only)

A specification of the -f option before the -i option is ignored.


Does not ask the user to check the following process contents:

  • Whether to perform GC for the specified process (in Windows only)

  • Whether to execute the Explicit memory block release

  • Whether to send the SIGQUIT signal in order to perform GC (in UNIX only)

A specification of the -i option before the -f option is ignored.


If the -XX:+HitachiVerboseGC option is not specified, creates a Java VM log file according to the Java VM log file creation rules and outputs the extended verbosegc information.

In such cases, output the extended verbosegc information of the contents, also with the effect of the following option values:

  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCPrintDate

  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause

  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime

  • -XX:+HitachiCommaVerboseGC


Outputs the extended verbosegc information to the standard output.

In such cases, -s outputs the extended verbosegc information of the contents in which the following option values are also reflected:

  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCPrintDate

  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause

  • -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCCpuTime

  • -XX:+HitachiCommaVerboseGC


If this option is specified, the command forcibly performs GC (and releases Explicit memory blocks) for the Java process specified for the -p option without confirming that the /tmp/hsperfdata_user-name/process-ID file has already been created by the Java process.

Note that this option is for UNIX.


If this option is specified, the command releases Explicit memory blocks when performing Full GC for the specified Java process. For the Explicit memory block release, see 7.9 Releasing Explicit memory blocks by using the javagc command in the uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide.

-p process-ID

Specifies the ID of the process for which you want to perform Full GC (and release Explicit memory blocks).

For the Hitachi-specific Java VM extension options, see the following locations:

Return values


The command terminated normally.


The command terminated abnormally.


A report on completion of GC was not returned within a certain length of time.

Input examples

  1. Execution of the javagc command, with the -i option specified:

    javagc -i -v -p 8326
  2. In Windows, the command asks the user whether to perform GC. In UNIX, the command asks the user whether the target process ID is correct.

    • In Windows:

      Force VM to execute GC ? (y/n)

    • IN UNIX:

      send SIGQUIT to 8326:?(y/n)

  3. In Windows, the user enters y to perform GC (or n not to perform GC). In UNIX, the user enters y to send the SIGQUIT signal (or n not to send the signal).

    • In Windows:

      Force VM to execute GC ? (y/n)y

    • In UNIX:

      send SIGQUIT to 8326:?(y/n)y

Output example

 [VGC]<Wed Mar 17 00:42:30 2004>(Skip Full:0,Copy:0)[Full GC 149K->149K(1984K), 0.0786038 secs][DefNew::Eden: 264K->0K(512K)][DefNew::Survivor: 0K->63K(64K)][Tenured: 85K->149K(1408K)][Metaspace: 3634K(4492K, 4492K)->3634K(4492K, 4492K)][class space: 356K(388K, 388K)->356K(388K, 388K)][cause:JavaGC Command]

Output messages

Table 10‒8: Messages output by the javagc command (in Windows)


Error message



usage: javagc [-f|-i] [-v] [-s] [-ehgc] -p process-id

An argument specified in the javagc command is invalid.


javagc: illegal option --option

The indicated option (option) specified in the javagc command arguments is invalid.


javagc: can't communicate with process process-id

Communication with the process specified in the javagc command was not possible because the process has a problem or an error occurred in communication.


process-id: Not owner

0 was specified in process-id specified in the javagc command.


process-id: Now processing previous request, this request canceled

The process specified in the javagc command is currently performing GC by the javagc command executed previously. The new GC request by the javagc command is canceled.


javagc: can't create work file at temporary directory, this request canceled

A GC request file cannot be created in the temporary file directory because view and write permissions are not set for the directory. This GC request is canceled.


javagc: can't get temporary directory, this request canceled

A GC request file cannot be created because the temporary file directory cannot be retrieved. This GC request is canceled.


javagc: unexpected error occurred:error-cause

An unexpected error occurred during javagc command execution.

The following are examples of causes that may be displayed in error-cause:

  • When work memory could not be allocated:

    malloc systemcall fail (errno=Y)

  • When an object could not be closed:

    close systemcall fail (errno=Y)


process-id: Timeout occurred. Java process not responding.

The process specified in the javagc command did not return a report on completion of GC within a certain length of time.


javagc: please delete name-of-undeleted-file in full-path-of-undeleted-file

When the javagc command terminated, it could not delete an internal file. Delete the indicated file on the indicated full path.


process-id: Failed to retry GC. Java process is GC locked.

GC could not be performed because GC for the process specified in the javagc command is blocked.

Table 10‒9: Messages output by the javagc command (in UNIX)


Error message



javagc [-f|-i][-v][-s] [-ehgc] [-force] -p process-id

An argument specified in the javagc command is invalid.


javagc: illegal option --option

The indicated option (option) specified in the javagc command arguments is invalid.


process-id: No such process

The process indicated by process-id specified in the argument of the javagc command is not found or the process indicated by process-id specified in the javagc command is not the java process.


process-id: Not owner

The executing user is not the owner of the process indicated by process-id specified in the javagc command.


process-id: Now processing previous request, this request canceled

The process specified in the javagc command is currently performing GC by the javagc command executed previously. The new GC request by the javagc command is canceled.


javagc: can't create work file at /tmp, this request canceled

A GC request file cannot be created in the /tmp directory because view and write permissions are not set for the directory. This GC request is canceled.


javagc: unexpected error occurred:error-cause

An unexpected error occurred during javagc command execution.

The following are examples of causes that may be displayed in error-cause:

  • When work memory could not be allocated:

    malloc systemcall fail (errno=Y)

  • When an object could not be closed:

    close systemcall fail (errno=Y)


process-id: Timeout occurred. Java process not responding.

The process specified in the javagc command did not return a report on completion of GC within a certain length of time.


javagc: please delete name-of-undeleted-file in full-path-of-undeleted-file

When the javagc command terminated, it could not delete an internal file. Delete the indicated file on the indicated full path.


process-id: Failed to retry GC. Java process is GC locked.

GC could not be performed because GC for the process specified in the javagc command is blocked.
