
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

eheapprof (Output of extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information)

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eheapprof [-i|-f] [-force] [-freeratio] -p process-ID


This command outputs the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information for java processes of the process ID specified in arguments. You can also output the statistical information of an object within the Explicit memory block, and the release ratio information of the Explicit memory block to an extended thread dump.



Displays a message confirming the execution of the output processing for an extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information. You input either y or n. If you input y, the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information will output. If you input n, no information will be displayed and the processing will terminate. Even if you omit this option, the option is valid as long as the -f option is not specified.


Disables the -i option. If you omit this option, the -i option will become valid.


Requests the output of an extended thread dump for the java process indicated by the process ID that is specified with the -p option, without confirming the existence of the /tmp/hsperfdata_user-name/process-ID file created in the java process.

Note that this option is for UNIX.


Enables the output of the object release ratio information of the Explicit memory block and outputs an extended thread dump.

When you execute the eheapprof command by specifying this option, JavaVM executes the following process and acquires the object release ratio information.

  • Full GC

  • An Explicit memory block release process

The execution of these processes lead to a risk of stopping the execution of an application for a few seconds and hence we recommend that you output the object release ratio information of the Explicit memory block during system development or when operations are stopped.

-p process-ID

Specifies the process ID of the java program that outputs the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information.

Return values


Terminated normally.


Terminated abnormally.


There is no response indicating that the output processing has terminated within the fixed time for the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information.

Output messages

If the following error messages or warning messages are issued, the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information is not output:

Table 10‒4: Messages issued by the eheapprof command (For Windows)


Error message



usage: eheapprof [-f|-i] [-freeratio] -p process-id

The argument specified in the eheapprof command is wrong.


eheapprof: illegal option -- option

option specified in the eheapprof command is invalid.


process-ID: Now processing previous request, this request canceled

The process indicated by process-ID specified in the argument of the eheapprof command outputs the current Explicit heap detailed information.


process-ID: Not owner

0 is specified in process-ID specified in the argument of the eheapprof command.


eheapprof: can't create work file at temporary directory , this request canceled

If the user does not have permission to reference or write data into the directory for temporary files, the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information cannot be output. The output request for the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information is cancelled.


eheapprof: can't get temporary directory, this request canceled

If the directory for temporary files cannot be acquired, the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information cannot be output. The output request for the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information is cancelled.


eheapprof: please delete name-of-undeleted-file in full-path-of-undeleted-file

The internal files could not be deleted when the eheapprof command is terminated. Delete the un-deleted files that exist in the full path of the un-deleted files.


eheapprof: unexpected error occurred: error-cause

An unexpected error occurred when executing the eheapprof command.

error-cause might display the followings:

  • When an attempt to secure the memory for an operation fails

    malloc systemcall fail (errno=Y)

  • When an attempt to close the object fails

    close systemcall fail (errno=Y)


eheapprof: can't communicate with process process-ID

There is a problem with the process indicated by process-ID specified in the argument of the eheapprof command and an error occurred during the communication, and therefore, the communication cannot be performed. Alternatively, the process indicated by process-ID specified in the argument of the eheapprof command does not exist.


process-ID: Timeout occurred. Java process not responding

The process indicated by process-id specified in the argument of the eheapprof command did not return a response indicating that the output processing terminated within the fixed time for the Explicit heap detailed information.

Table 10‒5: Messages issued by the eheapprof command (In UNIX)


Error message



usage: eheapprof [-f|-i] [-force] [-freeratio] -p process-id

The argument specified in the eheapprof command is wrong.


eheapprof: illegal option -- option

option specified in the eheapprof command is invalid.


process-ID: Now processing previous request, this request canceled

The process indicated by process-ID specified in the argument of the eheapprof command outputs the current Explicit heap detailed information.


process-ID: No such process

The process indicated by process-ID specified in the argument of the eheapprof command is not found or the process indicated by process-ID specified in the eheapprof command is not a java process.


process-ID: Not owner

The user is not the owner of the process of process-ID specified in the argument of the eheapprof command.


eheapprof: can't create work file at /tmp , this request canceled

If the user does not have permission to reference or write data into the directory for temporary files, the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information cannot be output. The output request for the extended thread dump containing the Explicit heap detailed information is cancelled.


eheapprof: please delete name-of-undeleted-file in full-path-of-undeleted-file

The internal files could not be deleted when the eheapprof command ends. Delete the un-deleted files that exist in the full path of the un-deleted files.


eheapprof: unexpected error occurred: error-cause

An unexpected error occurred when executing the eheapprof command.

error-cause might display the following:

  • When an attempt to secure the memory for the operation fails

    malloc systemcall fail (errno=Y)

  • When an attempt to close the object fails

    close systemcall fail (errno=Y)


process-ID: Timeout occurred. Java process not responding

The process indicated by process-id specified in the argument of the eheapprof command did not return a response indicating that the output processing has terminated within the fixed time for the Explicit heap detailed information.
