
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

ctmregltd (start CTM regulator)

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ctmregltd [-h] [-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name] [-CTMID CTM-identifier]
          [-PRFID PRF-identifier] [-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address]
          [-CTMClientConnectCount number-of-connections]
          [-CTMEjbPort EJB-request-receiving-port-number]
          [-CTMAgent {1|0}]
          [-CTMIDLConnect [1|0]]
          [-CTMTimeOut timeout-value]


This command starts a CTM regulator for distributing and collecting requests from the EJB client. Start the CTM regulator on the host on which the CTM daemon is running. Note that you cannot directly start the CTM regulator.



Displays how to use the command.

-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name

Specifies the name of the CTM domain to which the CTM daemon belongs. You can specify 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). Do not specify a character string that begins with CTM or ctm. If this argument is omitted, CTMDOMAIN is set.

-CTMID CTM-identifier

Specifies the CTM identifier of the CTM daemon. You can specify 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters, periods (.), and underscores (_). Do not specify a CTM identifier that begins with CTM or ctm. Period (.) can only be specified in IP addresses.

If this argument is omitted, an IP address is set to the CTM identifier. For example, if the IP address of the host is, the character string is assumed as the CTM identifier.

-PRFID PRF-identifier

Specifies the identifier of a PRF daemon for which PRF trace is to be output. You can specify 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). Do not specify a character string that begins with TSC, tsc, CTM, or ctm. If this argument is omitted, the character string PRF_ID is assumed as the PRF identifier.

-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address

Specifies the host name or IP address used by CTM in a node switching environment where a multi-homed host or IP address is inherited. You can specify a character string of 1 to 64 characters. If this argument is omitted, the host name acquired by the hostname command is set.

If you omit the -CTMID option and specify the -CTMMyHost option, the IP address specified for the -CTMMyHost option is assumed as the default CTM identifier.

-CTMClientConnectCount number-of-connections

Specifies the number of connections that can be established from the EJB client to the CTM regulator. You can specify an integer in the range from 1 to 32767. If the EJB client repeatedly issues create() or invoke(), connections with the CTM regulator are established until the process of the EJB client terminates or until a communication error or timeout occurs. Therefore, the -CTMClientConnectCount option might require the settings to be specified for the number of processes of the EJB client. If this argument is omitted, the value specified for the -CTMClientConnectCount option of the ctmstart command is inherited. If the -CTMClientConnectCount option of the ctmstart command is omitted, 64 is set.

-CTMEjbPort EJB-request-receiving-port-number

Specifies the port number that the EJB client uses to search for a new connection with the CTM regulator. You can specify an integer in the range from 5001 to 65535. If this argument is omitted, the port number automatically allocated by the OS is used.

-CTMAgent {1|0}

Specifies whether the CORBA object corresponding to EJB is registered in OSAgent of TPBroker. If this argument is omitted, or if 0 is specified, nothing is registered in OSAgent.

-CTMIDLConnect [1|0]

If this option is specified, an IDL-format repository ID (IDL:interface-name:1.0) is used for the CORBA object corresponding to the ORB gateway to be started. This option also specifies whether to perform IOR connection. Specify this option if the client's ORB product supports only IDL-format repository IDs.

If the argument of this option is omitted, the command assumes that 1 is specified.

If 1 is specified for this option and the ORB gateway is started, after the application has been started on the J2EE server, the IOR string for the ORB gateway can be acquired by using the ctmgetior command. The default is 1. If 0 is specified and the ORB gateway is started, no more IOR strings can be acquired. However, the application and ORB gateway can start in a shorter time than when 1 is specified.

If you specify this option, always specify also the -CTMEjbPort option.

-CTMTimeOut timeout-value

Specifies the default amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a response to be returned after a service request is received from the client. You can specify an integer in the range from 0 to 2147483647. If 0 is specified, there is no limit on the wait time. If this argument is omitted, 180 (seconds) is set.

Return values


The command is terminated normally.

Other than 0:

The command terminated abnormally because an error occurred during command processing. Take the corrective action indicated in the output message, and then re-execute the command.
