
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

ctmidl2cpp (generate C++ stub code)

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ctmidl2cpp  [-h] |
            [-TSCclient_ext string] [-client_ext string]
            [-TSChdr_suffix extension-name] [-hdr_suffix extension-name]
            [-TSCsrc_suffix extension-name] [-src_suffix extension-name]
            [-TSCroot_dir path-name] [-root_dir path-name]
            [-TSCsrc_dir path-name]
            [-TSChdr_dir path-name]
            [-TSCexport string] [-export string]
            [[-I directory[;directory...]]...]
            [-A] IDL-file

This item can be used in an OTMV5 environment only.


This command generates C++ stub code for the OTM client from an IDL file.



Displays how to use the command.

-TSCclient_ext string

Specifies the string to be assigned as the name of the file to which client-side code is to be output. The default is _TSC_c.

-client_ext string

Specifies the string to be assigned to the file that will contain the client-part code output by the idl2cpp command. The default is _c.

-TSChdr_suffix extension-name

Specifies the extension of the header file. The default is hh.

-hdr_suffix extension-name

Specifies the suffix of the header file that is output by the idl2cpp command. If this option is omitted, the extension name specified in the -TSChdr_suffix option is used. If neither the -hdr_suffix option nor the -TSChdr_suffix option is specified, the string .hh is used.

-TSCsrc_suffix extension-name

Specifies the extension of the source file. The default is cc.

-src_suffix extension-name

Specifies the suffix of the source file output by the idl2cpp command. If this option is omitted, the extension name specified in the -TSCsrc_suffix option is used. If neither the -src_suffix option nor the -TSCsrc_suffix option is specified, the string .cc is used.

-TSCroot_dir path-name

Specifies the directory to which the source file and header file will be output. If a non-existent directory is specified, it is automatically created.

If you change the output-destination directory, specify the new output-destination directory as an include file search path during compilation.

-root_dir path-name

Specifies the directory to which the source file and header file output by the idl2cpp command will be output.

If you change the output-destination directory, specify the new output-destination directory as an include file search path during compilation.

-TSCsrc_dir path-name

Specifies the directory to which the source file will be output. If a non-existent directory is specified, it is automatically created.

-TSChdr_dir path-name

Specifies the directory to which the header file will be output. If a non-existent directory is specified, it is automatically created.

If you change the output-destination directory, specify the new output-destination directory as an include file search path during compilation.

-TSCexport string

Specifies the export tag for the TSC user proxy. The -TSCexport option is used for a declaration to access classes in a DLL in Windows.

-export string

Specifies the export tag for the stub code that is output by the idl2cpp command. The -export option is used for a declaration to access classes in a DLL in Windows.


If this option is specified, the command generates the TypeCode information for the data type defined in IDL to the file that will contain the client-side code output by the idl2cpp command. The generated TypeCode information facilitates the handling of the CORBA::Any type.

This option can be used in an OTMV5 environment only.


If this option is specified, a module is implemented as a namespace. The module name output as a namespace is not extended in the same way as for the name that is output as a class. The name defined in IDL is retained as is.

This option can be used in an OTMV5 environment only.


If this option is specified, the command outputs included IDL definitions.

-I directory[; directory...]

Specifies the include file search paths. In UNIX, to specify multiple search paths, use a colon (:) as a path separator. In Windows, to specify multiple search paths, use a semicolon (;) as a separator. Alternatively, specify the -I option for each search path.


If this option is specified, osagent is not internally started. Specify this option if osagent has already been started on the local host.


Specifies the name of the IDL file to be input. You can omit this option only when you specify the -h option. Make sure that this option is specified at the end of the command line. Also make sure that the extension of the IDL file name is .idl.

Return values


The command ended normally.

Other than 0:

The command terminated abnormally due to an error that occurred during command processing. Take measures as indicated in the message that is output, and then re-execute the command.
