
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

ctmgetior (acquire IOR strings)

Organization of this page


ctmgetior  [-h] |
         [ { -CTMDomain CTM-domain-name[,CTM-domain-name...] | -CTMDomainAll } ]
         [ { -CTMID CTM-identifier[,CTM-identifier...] | -CTMIDAll } ]
         [-CTMHost host-name-or-IP-address[,host-name-or-IP-address...]]
         [-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address]
         [-CTMInterfaceName remote-interface-name[,remote-interface-name...]]
         [-CTMLookupName lookup-name[,lookup-name...]]
         [-CTMOutPath output-directory-name]


This command acquires the IOR strings of the objects that are registered on ORB gateways. This command extracts the IOR strings of the objects that meet the conditions specified as options and outputs the IOR strings to a file. ORB client applications can use an IOR string in this file to connect to a specific ORB gateway. This file contains only IOR strings in text format.



Displays how to use the command.

-CTMDomain CTM-domain-name[,CTM-domain-name...]

Specifies the names of CTM domains to which the acquisition-target ORB gateways belong. Each of the specified values can consist of only alphanumeric characters. To specify multiple CTM domain names, specify them in a comma-separated list format.

Do not specify a string that begins with CTM or ctm. If no value is specified, the command assumes that CTMDOMAIN is specified. To acquire IOR strings, specify the names of CTM domains that have already been activated on the host on which this command is executed.

You cannot specify this option together with the -CTMDomainAll option.


If this option is specified, the command acquires IOR strings for all CTM domains that exist on the host on which the command is executed. You can use the ctmdminfo command to check the CTM domains that exist on the local host. If this option is omitted, the command acquires IOR strings for the CTM domains specified in the -CTMDomain option.

You cannot specify this option together with the -CTMDomain option.

-CTMID CTM-identifier[,CTM-identifier...]

Specifies the CTM identifiers of CTM nodes to which the acquisition-target ORB gateways belong. Each of the specified values can consist of only alphanumeric characters and periods (.). To specify multiple CTM identifiers, specify them in a comma-separated list format.

Do not specify a CTM identifier that begins with CTM or ctm. If no value is specified, an IP address is set as a CTM identifier.

For example, if the IP address of the host is, the string is set as a CTM identifier.

You cannot specify this option together with the -CTMIDAll option.


If this option is specified, the command acquires IOR strings for all CTM identifiers that are recognized by the specified CTM domains. If this option is omitted, the command acquires IOR strings for the CTM identifiers that are specified in the -CTMID option.

You cannot specify this option together with the -CTMID option.

-CTMHost host-name-or-IP-address[,host-name-or-IP-address...]

Specifies the host names or IP addresses of the acquisition-target hosts. Each of the specified values can consist of only 1 to 64 ASCII characters. To specify multiple values, specify them in a comma-separated list format.

You can use this option to narrow down the acquisition-target CTM nodes specified in the -CTMDomain (or -CTMDomainAll) option and the -CTMID (or -CTMIDAll) option. If this option is specified, the command acquires IOR strings for only the specified acquisition-target CTM nodes that exist on the hosts specified in this option. The default is all the hosts recognized by the CTM domain manager of the host on which the command requested acquisition of IOR strings.

-CTMMyHost host-name-or-IP-address

Specifies the host name or IP address used by Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor in a multihomed host environment. The specified value can consist of only 1 to 64 ASCII characters. If no value is specified, the host name acquired by the gethostname system call is set.

If you specify the -CTMMyHost option without specifying the -CTMID option, the IP address specified in the -CTMMyHost option is used as the default CTM identifier.

-CTMInterfaceName remote-interface-name[,remote-interface-name...]

Specifies the remote interface names of acquisition-target EJB objects. Each of the specified values can consist of only alphanumeric characters and periods (.). To specify multiple values, specify them in a comma-separated list format.

Note that a remote interface name is a name specified by using the <remote> tag in the DD file (ejb-jar.xml). If the remote interface name includes a package specification, use a fully qualified class name. The default is all the EJB objects that are registered on the ORB gateways recognized by the target CTM domains.

-CTMLookupName lookup-name[,lookup-name...]

Specifies the lookup names of acquisition-target EJB objects. Each of the specified values can consist of only ASCII characters. To specify multiple values, specify them in a comma-separated list format. The default is the lookup names of all EJB objects that are registered on the ORB gateways that are recognized by the target CTM domains.

-CTMOutPath output-directory-name

Specifies the name of the directory that will store the file that contains the acquired IOR strings by using a relative or absolute path. If this option is omitted, the command outputs the file to the current directory used when the command is executed. The characters that can be used to specify the directory name differ depending on the OS:


~<Alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: . \ + : -> <<current directory>>


~<Alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: . / + -> <<current directory>>

Return values


The command ended normally.

Other than 0:

The command terminated abnormally due to an error that occurred during command processing. Take measures as indicated in the message that is output, and then re-execute the command.

Output format

One IOR string file is output for each EJB object registered on the acquisition-target ORB gateways. The IOR strings for each EJB object are output to a file in a path consisting of the following directory and file names:


Lookup name of the EJB object registered on the ORB gateway

Remote interface name of the EJB object registered on the ORB gateway

IP address of the host on which the ORB gateway is operating


Port number that was specified for the -CTMEjbPort option when the ORB gateway started


The preceding file is output to the directory specified for the -CTMOutPath option. In the preceding example, a forward slash (/) is a directory separator. In Windows, a backslash (\) is a directory separator.

The slash-based or backslash-based structure of a lookup name becomes the directory structure on an as-is basis.
