
uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide

cjmsicmd create dst (creating physical destination)

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cjmsicmd create dst  -t destination-type
                     -n destination-name
                    [[-o property = value]...]
                    [-b host-name : port-number]


Creates a physical destination.


-t destination-type

Specifies destination type. You can specify the following destination types:

  • q: Queue

  • t: Topic

-n destination-name

Specifies the destination name.

The following are the naming rules for a destination:

  • Specify alphanumeric characters.

  • Specify the initial character with roman characters, underscore (_), and dollar sign ($).

  • You cannot specify the character mq. and numeric characters as a first character.

  • You cannot specify __JMQAdmin, because __JMQAdmin is the physical destination name that is generated automatically by Cosminexus JMS Provider.

  • You cannot specify a space.

  • Specify a name within the length of the OS's maximum-directory-name-length minus 1. If you specify a name exceeding the length of the OS's maximum-directory-name-length minus 1, the command is successfully executed, but an exception occurs when a message is sent.

-o property=value

Specifies the property name.

The following properties can be used with the -o option:

  • consumerFlowLimit

  • maxNumMsgs

  • maxTotalMsgBytes

  • maxNumProducers

When an invalid value is specified, an error message will be displayed.

For details about the property, see 5.7 Property settings of physical destination.

-b host-name : port-number

Specifies the host name and the port number by delimiting them using a colon (:).

Return values


The command is terminated normally.


The command is terminated abnormally.
