
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

10.5.2 Applications in exploded archive format

If you use the reload functionality, the regeneration of applications (creation of EAR files) is no longer required and you only need to replace the class files directly. Therefore, the process of switching between applications becomes easier.

You can execute the reload functionality only for those J2EE applications that are in exploded archive format and are in running state or in stopped state due to reload failure.

The two ways of implementing the reload functionality are as follows:

This section describes the reload functionality based on command execution.

The procedures for switching between J2EE applications using the reload functionality are described below:

  1. Compile the Java program to be updated.

  2. Execute the reload command.

Execute the following reload command to switch the J2EE applications that are in exploded archive format:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Execution format

cjreloadapp [server-name] -name Application-name [-t timeout-period-until-forced-reloading-starts]

(2) Example of execution

cjreloadapp MyServer -name App1

For details on the cjreloadapp command, see cjreloadapp (reload application) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

For details on the reload functionality and the reload functionality based on update detection, see 15.8 Detecting updates and reload of J2EE applications in the uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

(3) Note