
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

10.2.2 Stopping J2EE applications

This subsection describes the normal termination and the forced termination of J2EE applications.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Normal termination of J2EE applications

Execute the following command to terminate a J2EE application normally. If resource adapters are included in the J2EE application, all the resource adapters included in the J2EE application will also stop automatically.

Execution format
cjstopapp [server-name] [-nameserver provider URL] -name J2EE-application-name
Example of execution
cjstopapp MyServer -name account

For details on the cjstopapp command, see cjstopapp (stop J2EE application) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

  • When a J2EE application references resource adapters deployed as J2EE resource adapters, you first stop the J2EE application, and then stop J2EE resource adapters.

  • You cannot control the stopping order of resource adapters included in a J2EE application.

  • When invoking Enterprise Beans included in other J2EE applications, stop the calling J2EE application and then stop the called J2EE application.

  • In the case of applications in the archive format, the compilation results generated by JSP pre-compile when starting the application, are deleted when the application terminates.

(2) Forced termination of J2EE applications

This subsection explains the forced termination of the J2EE applications.

The two methods to terminate J2EE applications forcibly are as follows:

The procedures for each forced termination are as follows:

(a) Executing forced termination when a J2EE application does not stop by normal termination

When a J2EE application does not stop even when terminated normally as per the procedures in (1) Normal termination of J2EE applications, you can terminate the J2EE application forcibly using the following procedures:

Note that you execute forced termination of J2EE applications only when J2EE applications do not stop properly even by normal termination.

Execute the following command to terminate a J2EE application forcibly:

Execution format
cjstopapp [server-name] [-nameserver provider-URL] -name J2EE-application-name -cancel
Example of execution
cjstopapp MyServer -name account -cancel

For details on the cjstopapp command, see cjstopapp (stop J2EE application) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

(b) Specifying the automatic forced termination option of the J2EE application and executing normal termination

When executing normal termination of a J2EE application, you can specify that forced termination will be executed automatically after a timeout ends if the J2EE application does not stop properly.

Execute the following command so that forced termination will be automatically performed for a J2EE application that does not stop normally:

Execution format
cjstopapp [server-name] [-nameserver provider-URL] -name J2EE-application-name -t timeout-period (seconds) -force
Example of execution
cjstopapp MyServer -name account -t 120 -force

For details on the cjstopapp command, see cjstopapp (stop J2EE application) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.