
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

9.11.4 Defining and monitoring the number of requests pending for each URL group

You specify the definition for monitoring the number of requests pending for each URL group.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Attribute file to be edited

WAR attribute file

(2) Acquiring the attribute file to be edited and setting the attributes

(3) Attribute settings to be edited

The following table describes the property settings for monitoring the number of requests pending for each URL group (<urlgroup-thread-control> - <stats-monitor> - <waiting-request-count>):



Corresponding tags

Existence of threshold value event monitoring



Output upper threshold value of threshold value event#



Output lower threshold value of threshold value event#




Y: Mandatory


Specify such that 'Upper threshold value that outputs the threshold value event ≥ Lower threshold value that outputs the threshold value event'.

For details on the property settings, see 3.7.1 Specifications of the HITACHI WAR Property file in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.