
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

9.11.1 Defining the context root of a J2EE application

You define the context root of a J2EE application.

You can also define the root context in the context root. Root context is a context of a context root with blank characters "". If a welcome file is created in the root context, the home page of the J2EE application can be displayed from a URL with only the domain name, like http: //

Organization of this subsection

(1) Attribute file to be edited

WAR attribute file

(2) Acquiring the attribute file to be edited and setting the attributes

(3) Attribute settings to be edited

The following table describes the property settings for context root definition (<runtime>) of the J2EE application:



Corresponding tag

Context root




Y: Mandatory

For details on the property settings, see 3.7.1 Specifications of the HITACHI WAR Property file in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.

(4) Notes