
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

6.2.1 Importing JavaBeans resources

You execute the following command to import JavaBeans resources:

Execution format
cjimportjb [server-name] [-nameserver provider-URL] -f JAR-file-path -c path-of-the-hitachi-JavaBeans-resource-property-file
Example of execution
cjimportjb MyServer -f Myjavabeans.jar -c Myjavabeansprop.xml

If you specify the directory path with the -d option of the cjimportjb command, you can also import JavaBeans resources as follows:

The command specification method is as follows:

Execution format
cjimportjb [server-name] [-nameserver provider-URL] -d directory-path -c path-of-the-hitachi-JavaBeans-resource-property-file
Example of execution
cjimportjb MyServer -d MydirectoryPath -c Myjavabeansprop.xml

For details on the cjimportjb command, see cjimportjb (import JavaBeans resource) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.


In the -d option of the cjimportjb command, specify the top level of the directory you want to import. Moreover, all the files existing in the specified directory will be imported, and therefore, make sure that only the required files are included in the specified directory.