
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

3.5.2 Procedure for setting the properties of a J2EE application

The procedure for setting the properties of a J2EE application are as follows:

  1. Acquire the attribute file.

    For acquiring the property file of the application properties and the properties of the components (servlets or JSPs, Enterprise Beans, and resource adapters) that configure J2EE applications, you execute the cjgetappprop command.

    The property file you must acquire depends on the component for which the properties are to be setup. Furthermore, you acquire the application integrated property file for editing the attribute information of the components of the application in a batch.

    For details on the cjgetappprop command, see cjgetappprop (get HITACHI Application Property) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

  2. Edit the property settings.

    Edit the acquired attribute file by using a text editor. For editing the items in the attribute file, see the explanation about each property setting.

    For details on property files, see 3. Property Files Used for Setting J2EE Applications in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.

  3. Set the properties.

    For setting up the property file of the application properties and the properties of the components (servlets or JSPs, Enterprise Beans, and resource adapters) that configure a J2EE application, execute the cjsetappprop command.

    For details on the cjsetappprop command, see cjsetappprop (set HITACHI Application Property) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

    Reference note

    For creating a new J2EE application, add the components (servlets or JSPs, Enterprise Beans, and resource adapters that configure a J2EE application) to the J2EE application, and before adding the components use the cjgetresprop and cjsetresprop commands for defining the properties of the components. For details on the cjgetresprop command, see cjgetresprop (get resource Property) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide. For details on the cjsetresprop command, see cjsetresprop (set Property of resource) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.