
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

1.2.2 Setup for resource adapters

This subsection describes the setup of resource adapters deployed and used as J2EE resource adapters.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Types of resource adapters

The types of resource adapters deployed and used as the J2EE resource adapters are as follows:

(2) Flow of resource adapter management

The basic flow of resource adapter management is as follows:

  1. Importing the resource adapters

  2. Defining the resource adapter properties

  3. Deploying the resource adapters

  4. Testing the J2EE resource adapters for connectivity

  5. Starting and stopping the J2EE resource adapters

  6. Exporting the J2EE resource adapters

The description of above procedures is as follows:

(3) Setup of resource adapters

The following table describes the functions of the setup to be used in the resource adapter management.

Table 1‒2: Setup used in resource adapter management

Operations in J2EE resource management



Import the resource adapters

Imports the resource adapters into the J2EE server.

cjimportres (-type rar specified)

Define the resource adapter properties

Obtains the pre-deployment resource adapter properties and generates a property file.

cjgetresprop (-type rar specified)

Changes the values of the pre-deployment resource adapter properties to the values specified in the property file.

cjsetresprop (-type rar specified)

Obtains the properties of the deployed J2EE resource adapters and generates the property file.


Changes the property values of the deployed J2EE resource adapters to the values specified in the property file.


Deploy the resource adapters

Deploys the resource adapter.


Test the J2EE resource adapters for connectivity

Executes the connectivity test for the J2EE resource adapter.

cjtestres (-type rar specified)

Start and stop the J2EE resource adapters

Starts the J2EE resource adapter.


Stops the J2EE resource adapter that is running.


Export the J2EE resource adapters

Exports the resource adapter residing on the J2EE server.


Display the list of resources

Displays the list of the imported resource adapters.

cjlistres (-type rar specified)

Displays the list of the J2EE resource adapters.


Delete the resources

Deletes the resource adapters.

cjdeleteres (-type rar specified)

Un-deploys the J2EE resource adapters.


Other operations

Displays the status of the resource adapter connection pool.


Deletes connections of the resource adapter connection pool.


Copies the resource adapter properties.

cjcopyres (-type rar specified)