
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

D.1 Precautions for restarting Cosminexus HTTP Server

If the cause of a failure that occurred while restarting Cosminexus HTTP Server exists in the Easy Setup definition file (if the Smart Composer functionality is not used, the redirector definition file (mod_jk.conf) or the workers file (, the message is output to one of the following:

The following table describes each of the output messages:

Table D‒1: Messages output in the Start command execution window or event log of Cosminexus HTTP Server


Cause and Action

JkWorkersFile file_name invalid#

The file name specified in the JkWorkersFile key is invalid. Correct the value specified in the JkWorkersFile key, and then restart the Web server.

Can't find the workers file specified#

The specified workers file cannot be found. Check whether the file specified in the JkWorkersFile key exists, and then restart the Web server.

Content should start with /#

The first character in the URL pattern is not forward slash (/). Correct the first character of the URL pattern specified in the JkMount key to forward slash (/), and then restart the Web server.

JkOptions: Illegal option 'a...a'

The value (a...a) specified in the JkOption key is invalid.

Correct the value specified in the JkOption key, and then restart the Web server.

a...a takes b...b arguments,

The number of values that can be specified in the key shown in a...a is b...b.

Correct the number of values that are specified in the key shown in a...a, and then restart the Web server.

a...a must be On or Off

The value that can be specified in the key shown in a...a is either On or Off.

Change the value specified in the key shown in a...a to On or Off, and then restart the Web server.

JkModulePriority: Invalid value specified.a...a

The value a...a specified in the JkModulePriority key is invalid. Specify the correct value in the JkModulePriority key, and then restart the Web server.


This message is output only in UNIX.

Table D‒2: Error log files of Cosminexus HTTP Server


Description and action

[Time] [emerg] Memory error

The memory is insufficient.

Secure the memory that the system can use, and then restart the Web server.

[Time] [emerg] Error while opening the workers#

One of the following problems occurred:

  • Opening of the workers file failed.

    Check whether read permission is included in the access permission of the file specified in the JkWorkersFile key, and then restart the Web server.

  • The contents of the workers file are invalid.

    Correct the contents of the workers file, and then restart the Web server.

[Time] [emerg] Error while checking the mod_jk.conf#

The description in the redirector definition file is inappropriate. Check the message output in the redirector, and then restart the Web server.


This message is output only in UNIX.