
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

C.3 Error status codes returned by the in-process HTTP server

When the size of the request from the client exceeds the upper limit and if the value is invalid, the in-process HTTP server returns the error status code. The following table describes the error status codes returned by the in-process HTTP server, and the conditions for returning the error status codes.

Table C‒6: Error status codes returned by the in-process HTTP server and the occurrence conditions

Error status codes

Conditions for returning the error status code

400 Bad Request

Error status code 400 is returned when the request status meets any of the following conditions:

  • When the request HTTP version is 1.1 and the Host header does not exist

  • When the port number of Host header of the request is invalid

  • When the size of the request header exceeds the upper limit

  • When the number of request headers exceeds the upper limit

  • When the request URI is invalid

  • When an attempt to decode the request URI has failed

  • When the request URI cannot be normalized

  • When the Content-Length header value of the request is greater than 2147483647 or smaller than or 0

  • When the Content-Length header value of the request is a non-numeric value

  • When multiple Content-Length headers are specified for the request

  • When the HTTP version of the request line is not supported

403 Forbidden

The error status code 403 is returned when a resource whose <transport-guarantee> element in web.xml is set to INTEGRAL or CONFIDENTIAL is accessed via http.

405 Method Not Allowed

Error status code 405 is returned when access is made from an HTTP method that is not permitted

413 Request entity too large

Error status code 413 is returned when the request body size exceeds the upper limit.

414 Request-URI too large

Error status code 414 is returned when the length of the request line exceeds the upper limit.

500 Internal Server Error

Error status code 500 is returned when an attempt to read the file fails and the file is returned with the status code 200 by the redirect functionality.

501 Not Implemented

Error status code 501 is returned when the transfer-encoding header value of the request is not supported.

503 Service Unavailable

Error status code 503 is returned when an attempt is made to process the requests exceeding the upper limit of flow control.