
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

20.3.2 Setting the DB Connector for a member resource adapter

Use the following procedure to setup a DB Connector for a member resource adapter:

  1. Import the DB Connector for the member resource adapter.

  2. Define the properties.

  3. Deploy the DB Connector for the member resource adapter.

  4. Check the connectivity.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Importing the DB Connector for member resource adapter

Execute the following command to import the DB Connector for the member resource adapter:

(a) Execution format

cjimportres [server-name] [-nameserver provider-URL] -type rar -f file-path

Specify the RAR file in file-path.

The RAR file is stored in the following directory:

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


The RAR files to be imported as member resource adapters are explained below:


The DBConnector_Oracle_CP_ClusterPool_Member.rar is a member resource adapter of the cluster connection pool. Use this RAR file when you use a local transaction or when you do not use a transaction (when LocalTransaction or NoTransaction is specified in the transaction support level). Connect to Oracle by using ConnectionPoolDataSource of Oracle JDBC Thin Driver.

You cannot set this RAR file in the resource references of the J2EE applications.

(b) Example of execution

cjimportres MyServer -type rar -f "c:\Program Files\Hitachi\Cosminexus\CC\DBConnector\ClusterPool\DBConnector_Oracle_CP_ClusterPool_Member.rar"

For details on the cjimportres command, see cjimportres (import resource) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

(2) Defining DB Connector properties for member resource adapter

You define the DB Connector properties for the member resource adapter. For details on the procedure for defining the properties, see 4.2.2 Defining the DB Connector properties in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide. The DB Connector property settings for the member resource adapters will be explained here.

(a) General information regarding the DB Connector for member resource adapters

The following table describes the settings for general information attributes (<outbound-resourceadapter> tag) of the DB Connector that can be set:



Corresponding tags

Transaction support level#



Scope of re-authentication support




Y: Mandatory


Specify the same transaction support level for the member resource adapters that form one cluster connection pool.

For details on the property settings, see 4.1.1 Specifications of the HITACHI Connector Property file in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.

(b) Configuration properties for member resource adapters

The configuration properties (<config-property> tag) and settings of DB Connector for member resource adapters are the same as that of the corresponding resource adapter (DBConnector_Oracle_CP.rar). For details on the configuration properties of the corresponding resource adapter, see 4.2.2 Defining the DB Connector properties in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide.

(c) Runtime properties

The following table describes the settings for runtime properties (<outbound-resourceadapter> - <connection-definition> - <connector-runtime> tag) of the DB Connector for the member resource adapter:


Corresponding tags

Property name


Property data type


Property value


Repeat the above settings for all the properties that you want to define.

Setup the following items in the property name (<property-name>):

Property items

Settings of property name (<property-name>)

User name#




Minimum number of connections to be pooled in the connection pool


Maximum number of connections to be pooled in the connection pool


Choose whether to output the log


Period from the last usage of connection until you determine whether to cancel the connection automatically (connection sweeper)


Interval for canceling the connection automatically (connection sweeper)


Maximum waiting time when the connection acquisition requests (when the connections are used up) are managed in a queue


Choose whether to enable alert output for monitoring the connection pool


Interval for monitoring the connection pool


Threshold value for monitoring the usage state of the connection pool


Choose whether to output the file with the connection pool monitoring results


Interval for operating the connection count adjustment function


Choose whether to enable the warming up function of the connection pool



Specify the same user name for the member resource adapters that form one cluster connection pool.


The following items are always Enabled regardless of the scope of settings for the member resource adapters:

Property items

Valid values

Settings of property name (<property-name>)

Minimum number of connections to be pooled in connection pool

Connection pooling function is enabled. Default value 10 is assumed even if 0 is specified in MinPoolSize and MaxPoolSize.


Maximum number of connections to be pooled in connection pool


Choose a method to check whether a failure has occurred in the connections inside the pool

Always 1 (Failure detected when the connection is acquired)


Choose whether to manage the connection acquisition requests in a queue when the connections are used up

Always true


Choose whether to enable the timeout of the network failure detection function

Always true


The retry function for acquiring connections is always disabled regardless of the settings for connection retry count (RetryCount) and connection retry waiting time (RetryInterval) of runtime properties.

(3) Deploying the DB Connector for member resource adapters

If you deploy the DB Connector for the member resource adapter, you can use it as a J2EE resource adapter. Note that you can define the properties after deploying the DB Connector. In such a case, however, define the properties when the root resource adapter to which the applicable DB Connector for the member resource adapter belongs and the DB Connector for the member resource adapter are not running. For the method of defining properties, see (2) Defining DB Connector properties for member resource adapter.

Execute the following command to deploy the DB Connector for the member resource adapter:

Execution format
cjdeployrar [server-name] [-nameserver provider-URL] -resname display-name-of-DB-Connector-for-the-member-resource-adapter
Example of execution
cjdeployrar MyServer -resname DB_Connector_for_Oracle_ClusterPool_Member

For details on the cjdeployrar command, see cjdeployrar (deploy resource adapter) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

(4) Testing the connectivity of the DB Connector for a member resource adapter

Use the connectivity test to verify whether the information set in the DB Connector for the member resource adapter is correct.

Execute the following command to perform connectivity testing of the DB Connector for the member resource adapter:

Execution format
cjtestres [server-name] [-nameserver provider-URL] -type rar -resname Display-name-of-DB-Connector-for-the-member-resource-adapter
Example of execution
cjtestres -type rar -resname DB_Connector_for_Oracle_ClusterPool_Member

For details on the cjtestres command, see cjtestres (execute resource connection test) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.


You cannot delete the DB Connector for the member resource adapter whose connection is once tested until you restart the J2EE server. To delete the DB Connector for the member resource adapter, stop the root resource adapter to which the applicable DB Connector for the member resource adapter belongs and the DB Connector for the member resource adapter, and then restart the J2EE server.