
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

20.2.1 Procedure for resource adapter settings (To use connection pool clustering)

The following figure shows the procedure for resource adapter settings for connecting to a database when the connection pool is clustered.

Figure 20‒6: Procedure for resource adapter settings in connection pool clustering


A description of points 1 to 10 in the figure is as follows:

  1. Use the server management commands to import the member resource adapters.

    Use the cjimportres command to import the member resource adapters.

    For details on the resource adapter to import, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

  2. Use the server management commands to deploy the member resource adapters.

    Use the cjdeployrar command to deploy the member resource adapters.

  3. Use the server management commands to define the member resource adapter properties.

    Use the cjgetrarprop command to obtain the HITACHI Connector Property file, edit the file, and then use the cjsetrarprop command to apply the edited content.

    The items that you can set up by defining the member resource adapter and root resource adapter properties differ. For details on the items defined in the properties that can be set for the member resource adapters and root resource adapter, see 20.1 Functionality for connection pool clustering.

    For details on the resource adapter properties specified for the functionality to be used, see the following locations:

    • Settings for using the resource connection and the transaction management functionality

      uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide

    • Functionality for performance tuning

      uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide

    • Functionality for fault tolerance

      uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide

    • Setting the optional names for J2EE resources

      uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide

  4. Use the server management commands to implement the connection test for the member resource adapters.

    Use the cjtestres command to implement the connection test for the member resource adapters.

    For details on the contents to verify in connection tests for the member resource adapters, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

    The steps from 1 to 4 are repeated for the number of member resource adapters only.

  5. Use the server management commands to start the member resource adapters.

    To implement the connection test of the root resource adapter, start the member resource adapters first. Use the cjstartrar command to start the member resource adapters.

  6. Use the server management commands to import the root resource adapter.

    Use the cjimportres command to import the root resource adapter.

    For details on the resource adapter to import, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

  7. Use the server management commands to deploy the root resource adapter.

    Use the cjdeployrar command to deploy the root resource adapter.

  8. Use the server management commands to define the root resource adapter properties.

    Use the cjgetrarprop command to obtain the HITACHI Connector Property file, edit the file, and then use the cjsetrarprop command to apply the edited content.

  9. Use the server management commands to implement the connection test for the root resource adapter.

    Use the cjtestres command to implement the connection test for the root resource adapter.

    For details on the contents to verify in the connection test for the root resource adapter, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Common Container Functionality Guide.

  10. Use the server management commands to stop the member resource adapters.

    After you implement the connection test for the root resource adapter, stop the member resource adapter. Use the cjstoprar command to stop the member resource adapters.

For details on the operations with the server management commands, see 3. Basic Operations of Server Management Commands in the uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide. Also, for details on the commands, see 2.4 Resource operation commands used with J2EE servers in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide. For details on the property files, see 4. Property Files Used for Setting Resources in the uCosminexus Application Server Application and Resource Definition Reference Guide.

Important note

To cluster a connection pool, you must resolve the references from the J2EE application to the root resource adapter. When you use the root resource adapter to define the J2EE application properties, resolve the references from the J2EE application to the root resource adapter.