
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

17.3.2 Controlling the number of concurrent executions of a Web application

In the case of a Web front-end system, the control of concurrently executed threads of a Web Application controls the number of threads in which the Web server will concurrently process the requests received from clients like the Web browser.

The number of concurrent executions is controlled in each URL group, Web application or Web container. The number of concurrently executed threads can be controlled when you integrate with a Web server, or when you use an in-process HTTP server.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Difference in the control of number of concurrently executed threads

The difference in the control of the number of concurrently executed threads in the case of each Web container, Web application and URL group is explained below:

Web container

You can set the number of threads for simultaneous processing of requests in the entire Web container.

Web application

You can set the number of threads for simultaneous processing of requests for each Web application running in the Web container.

URL group

You can set the number of threads for simultaneous processing of requests for each process of distribution destination URL, when a request is distributed to a URL corresponding to the specific business process (business logic) in the Web application.

The figure below illustrates the relationship between concurrently executed threads of each Web container, Web application, and URL group.

Figure 17‒1: Relationship between concurrently executed threads of each Web container, Web application, and URL group


Important note

Control of the maximum number of threads to be concurrently executed for each Web container is enabled only when the control of the number of threads to be concurrently executed for each Web application is disabled.

When control of the number of threads to be concurrently executed for each Web application is enabled, the maximum number of threads to be concurrently executed for each Web container is checked by the control of the number of threads to be concurrently executed for each Web application. For details, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Web Container Functionality Guide.

The execution of requests for a Web application is controlled by the number of concurrently executed threads set in each Web container, Web application, and URL group. A request that exceeds the number of concurrently executed threads that are set in each Web container, Web application, and URL group enters the respective pending queue.

(2) Guidelines for selection

The guidelines for selecting the unit of control for concurrently executed threads are explained below:

For details about the functionality for controlling the number of concurrently executed threads, see 2.13 Overview of control over the number of concurrently executed threads in the uCosminexus Application Server Web Container Functionality Guide.