
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

15.4.1 Identifying the Request for Which Timeout Occurred

This section describes how to identify a request in which timeout occurred by using the trace based performance analysis, if a timeout has occurred while receiving the response in the redirector.

If a timeout occurs while receiving a response in the redirector, the KDJE41019-E message is output. The following information is output in this message:

You can check where the timeout has occurred in a request in the trace based performance analysis, by comparing the root application information of the trace based performance analysis output in the message with the root application information output in the trace based performance analysis file.

You can check the request that is timed out with the trace information of the event IDs, described in the table below, of the request processing in which the corresponding root application information is output. Identify the corresponding request with the URI output to the operation name.

Table 15‒4: Trace based performance analysis that you can use to check the request that is timed out

Event ID



This information is output after getting a request for processing the request.

The URI of the request is output as an operation name.


This information is output after the processing of the redirector finishes.

The URI of the request is output as an operation name.