
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

13.2 persistence.xml

The following table describes the configuration of persistence.xml:

Tag name

Occurrence pattern




Indicates the root tag.


0 or more times

Defines the persistence unit.


0 or once

Describes the persistence unit.


0 or once

Specifies the implementation class name of javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider.


0 or once

Specifies the references for the data source corresponding to the JTA transaction.


0 or once

Specifies the references for the data source not corresponding to the JTA transaction.


0 or more times

Specifies the O/R mapping file.


0 or more times

Codes a JAR file name containing the entity class, embeddable class, and mappedsuper class.


0 or more times

Codes the entity class, embeddable class, and mappedsuper class.


0 or once

Specifies the Persistence class.


0 or once

Defines the Cosminexus JPA Provider-specific properties.


0 or more times

Defines various properties.

For details about the respective tags, see 13.2.1 Details of persistence.xml.

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