
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

9.21.3 Data used in troubleshooting

The following table shows the troubleshooting data and the acquisition source of the data that is required in the Cosminexus JPA Provider, when a failure occurs in the system.

Table 9‒29: Troubleshooting data and data acquisition source required in Cosminexus JPA Provider

Troubleshooting data

Acquisition source

File name of the data

Message log

snapshot (primary)

Message log

Exception log

snapshot (primary)

Exception information when an error occurs

Operation log of Cosminexus JPA Provider

snapshot (primary)

Operation log of CJPA

J2EE server definition information

snapshot (primary)

  • Option definition file for J2EE server

  • User property file for J2EE server

  • Security policy file for J2EE server

Definition information of applications included in the operation directory of J2EE server


snapshot (secondary)

  • Contents of EJB server operation directory

  • Contents of Web container operation directory

O/R mapping file

Property file of EJB, WAR

Connector property file of DB Connector

snapshot (secondary)

Contents of Web container operation directory

DB Connector log

snapshot (primary)

Operation log of the resource adaptor that is deployed and used as a J2EE resource adaptor

Trace based Performance Analysis

snapshot (primary)

PRF daemon and PRF command log

J2EE server thread dump

Thread dump acquisition command

SQL trace of a database to be connected (However, only when the trace information is collected)

  • HiRDB

    SQL trace

See the manual HiRDB SQL Reference

  • For the Oracle

    Trace file that is acquired when setting sql_trace=true in SQL trace init.ora

See the manual of Oracle.