
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

9.17.6 GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause

With the GROUP BY clause, the query results are compiled for each group. With the HAVING clause, you can specify conditions for narrowing down the query results further. After specifying the group, specify the HAVING clause conditions.

If a query contains both the WHERE clause and GROUP BY clause, the WHERE clause is executed first, the format is adjusted with the GROUP BY clause, and then filtering is performed according to the HAVING clause.

The items other than the set function appearing in the SELECT clause must also be specified in the GROUP BY clause. With grouping, the null value is also included and is handled as a condition. The notes related to the GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause are as follows:

An example of coding the GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause is as follows:

SELECT e.department.departmentId 
FROM Employee AS e 
GROUP BY e.department.departmentId 
HAVING COUNT(e.department.departmentId) <= 2

For details on the syntax of the GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause, see Appendix G BNF for JPQL.