
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

9.6.5 Default mapping (unidirectional relationship)

A unidirectional relationship includes a Single-Valued relationship and a Multi-Valued relationship. The following points describe each relationship:

This section describes the default mapping of a unidirectional relationship.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Unidirectional Single-Valued relationship

This section describes the default mapping of a unidirectional OneToOne relationship and a unidirectional ManyToOne relationship.

(a) Unidirectional OneToOne relationship

This section describes the default mapping of a unidirectional OneToOne relationship applied in the following conditions:

  • Entity A references the stand-alone instance of entity B and sets @OneToOne (or the corresponding XML tags in the O/R mapping file).

  • Entity A is not referenced from entity B.

  • Entity A is the relationship owner.

Applied default mapping
  • Entity A is mapped to table A.

  • Entity B is mapped to table B.

  • Table A must have the external key for table B. The name of the external key string is as follows:

    Name of the external key string

    Name of the relationship property (or field) of entity A_ Name of the primary key string of table B

    Note: Italics indicate a variable value.

The external key string has the same type as the primary key of table B and is a unique key constraint.

Figure 9‒9: Default mapping in a unidirectional OneToOne relationship


(b) Unidirectional ManyToOne relationship

This section describes the default mapping of a unidirectional ManyToOne relationship applied in the following conditions:

  • Entity A references the stand-alone instance of entity B and sets @ManyToOne (or the corresponding XML tags in the O/R mapping file).

  • Entity A is not referenced from entity B.

Applied default mapping
  • Entity A is mapped to table A.

  • Entity B is mapped to table B.

  • Table A must have the external key for table B. The name of the external key string is as follows:

    Name of the external key string

    Name of the relationship property (or field) of entity A_ Name of the primary key string of table B

    Note: Italics indicate a variable value.

The external key string must have the same type as the primary key of table B.

Figure 9‒10: Default mapping in a unidirectional ManyToOne relationship


(2) Unidirectional Multi-Valued relationship

This section describes the default mapping of a unidirectional OneToMany relationship and a unidirectional ManyToMany relationship.

(a) Unidirectional OneToMany relationship

This section describes the default mapping of a unidirectional OneToMany relationship applied in the following conditions:

  • Entity A references the entity B collection. @OneToMany (or the corresponding XML tags in the O/R mapping file) is set in the collection.

  • Entity A is not referenced from entity B.

  • Entity A is the relationship owner.

Applied default mapping
  • Entity A is mapped to table A.

  • Entity B is mapped to table B.

  • Apart from table A and B, a junction table named A_B where the name of the owner table appears at the beginning, is necessary. This junction table has two external key strings.

    The first external key string references table A and has the same type as the primary key of table A. The name of this external key string is as follows:

    Name of the external key string

    Name of entity A_ Name of the primary key string of table A

    The other external key string references table B, has the same type as the external key of table B, and is a unique key constraint. The name of this external key string is as follows:

    Name of the external key string

    Name of the relationship property (or field) of entity A_ Name of the primary key string of table B

    Note: Italics indicate a variable value.

    Important note

    A unidirectional OneToMany relationship that uses a junction table as described in this example might not be supported with JPA Providers other than Cosminexus JPA Provider. Note this when you operate applications created with a unidirectional OneToMany relationship using JPA Providers other than Cosminexus JPA Provider.

Figure 9‒11: Default mapping in a unidirectional OneToMany relationship


(b) Unidirectional ManyToMany relationship

This section describes the default mapping of a unidirectional ManyToMany relationship applied in the following conditions:

  • Entity A references the entity B collection. @ManyToMany (or the corresponding XML tags in the O/R mapping file) is set in the collection.

  • Entity B does not reference entity A.

  • The owner is entity A.

Applied default mapping
  • Entity A is mapped to table A.

  • Entity B is mapped to table B.

  • Apart from table A and B, a junction table named A_B where the name of the owner table appears at the beginning, is necessary. This junction table has two external key strings.

    One of the external key strings references table A and has the same type as the external key of table A. The name of this external key string is as follows:

    Name of the external key string

    Name of entity A_Name of the primary key of table A

    The other external key string references table B and has the same type as the primary key of table B. The name of this external key string is as follows:

    Name of the external key string

    Name of the relationship property (or field) of entity A_ Name of the primary key of table B

    Note: Italics indicate a variable value.

    Figure 9‒12: Default mapping in a unidirectional ManyToMany relationship
