
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

5.11.1 Mechanism for controlling the number of concurrently executing threads (Web container)

The following figure shows the mechanism of controlling the number of concurrently executing threads in the Web container:

Figure 5‒27: Controlling the number of concurrently executing threads in the Web container


For example, if two Web applications are deployed on the Web container, and 5 is set as the number of concurrently executing threads, the number of threads that you can concurrently execute in two Web applications will be 5.

Even when the access is centralized in one of the multiple Web applications deployed on the Web container, by setting the number of concurrently executing threads in the Web container, you can assign the threads to the Web application in which the access is centralized. The following figure shows this mechanism:

Figure 5‒28: Handling of threads when the access is centralized (For Web containers)


As shown in the figure, when two Web applications are deployed on the Web container and 5 is set as the number of concurrently executing threads, all the five threads are assigned to the Web application 1 if the requests are concentrated in Web application 1.

On the other hand, the requests for the Web application 2 are accumulated in the pending queue of the Web container until the request processing of the Web application 1 is complete. Note that the requests accumulated in the pending queue of the Web container are executed in a sequence, after the request processing is complete.