
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

5.1 Organization of this chapter

Application Server provides the redirector functionality for Web server integration. A redirector refers to a library provided in the Web container. By registering the redirector in the Web server, you will be able to process a specific requests, from the HTTP requests for the Web server, in the specified Web container and distribute and process the requests in multiple Web containers.

The following table lists the functionality and the corresponding reference sections for each functionality related to the Web server integration:

Table 5‒1: Functionality and the corresponding reference sections of each functionality related to Web server integration



Distributing requests with the Web server (Redirector)


Distributing requests by URL pattern


Distributing requests by the round-robin format


Distributing requests by the POST data size


Communication timeout (Web server integration)


Specifying the IP address (Web server integration)


Error page customization (Web server integration)#


Viewing the top page by specifying the domain name


Notification of Gateway Information to a Web Container


Controlling the number of concurrently executed threads for each Web container


Objects for communication with redirector


Explicit heap tuning



Functionality available only when you use Cosminexus HTTP Server as the Web server. You cannot use this functionality in the case of using Microsoft IIS.

Furthermore, in the case of Web server integration, you can also use the SSL-based authentication and the data encryption functionality of Cosminexus HTTP Server or the SSL-based authentication and the data encryption functionality of Microsoft IIS.

For SSL-based authentication and data encryption in Cosminexus HTTP Server, see 7.2.2 SSL setup with Cosminexus HTTP Server in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide. For details on how to set SSL for Microsoft IIS, see the help of SSL for Microsoft IIS. You can use this functionality only in the Web redirector environment.

Environment settings required for Web server integration

The following environment settings are required for the Web server integration: