
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

1.1.1 Functionality that serves as an application execution platform

This functionality serves as a platform for executing online businesses and batch businesses implemented as applications. Choose the functionality that you want to use according to the intended use of the system and requirements.

Before building a system or developing an application, you need to determine whether you want to use the functionality that serves as an application execution platform.

The following describes each classification of the functionality that serves as the application execution platform:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Basic functionality for operating applications (basic and development functionality)

This includes the basic functionality for operating applications (J2EE applications). This main functionality is the J2EE server functionality.

Application Server provides Java EE 7-compliant J2EE servers. In addition to providing functionality that complies with the standard specifications, a J2EE server also provides original functionality for Application Server.

The basic and development functionality can be further subdivided into three categories according to the status of J2EE applications that use the functionality. Manuals for the Application Server functionality are also separated according to this classification.

The following is an overview of each type:

(2) Functionality for developing Web Services

This includes the functionality that serves as the execution and development environment of Web Services.

Application Server provides the following engines:

(3) Extended functionality unique to Application Server, used to improve reliability and performance (extended functionality)

This includes extended functionality unique to Application Server. This also includes the functionality implemented by using processes other than J2EE server processes, such as processes for a batch server, CTM, and a database.

On Application Server, a variety of functionality has been extended to improve the reliability of the system and to achieve stable operation. Functionality has also been extended to operate applications other than J2EE applications (batch applications) in a Java environment.

(4) Functionality for ensuring the security of systems (security management functionality)

This functionality is used to ensure the security of Application Server-based systems. The functionality includes functionality such as authentication functionality for preventing unauthorized access and encryption functionality for preventing information leakage in communication channels.