
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

B. Identifying the Connection in Which an Error Has Occurred When Connecting to a Database

To handle a database-related error, it is important to identify the connection used to connect to the database.

This section describes how to identify a connection in which trouble occurred while connecting to the database (HiRDB or Oracle) using the information output from the applications server (trace based performance analysis and logs) and information output from the database (trace information and execution results of the pdls command, and contents of dynamic performance view).

With the application server, the connection information (connection ID) for unique identification of the connection you use in connecting to HiRDB and Oracle is output to a trace based performance analysis. In a series of processing from the J2EE server to the database, and until the processing results are returned from the database to the J2EE server, a connection ID and a connect serial number assigned by the database server are output to the log and trace information of the related configuration software. By comparing and checking this information, you can identify the connection in which an error has occurred.

An overview of output of connection IDs when you use HiRDB, and when you use Oracle, and the information used to identify the connection where an error has occurred is described below:

Organization of this section