
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

9.7.1 Overview of the pre-statistical GC selection functionality

You can execute the class-wise statistical functionality to output the class-wise statistical information to the extended thread dump. In the pre-statistical GC selection functionality, you can select the processing that is to be executed before the class-wise statistical information is output. By selecting this processing that is to be executed, you can acquire the various changes in the appearance of the Java object in the class-wise statistical information, depending on the purpose of investigation.

When using the pre-statistical GC selection functionality, specify the processing to be executed by an argument of the jheapprof command. The following table lists the process and the arguments of the jheapprof commands that can be implemented before executing the class-wise statistical functionality.

Table 9‒13: Process and the arguments of the jheapprof commands that can be implemented before executing the class-wise statistical functionality

Type of process

Process contents

Argument of the jheapprof command

Execution of a Full GC

Collects the used object for an entire JavaVM specific area even including Tenured area.


Execution of a copy GC

Collects the used object only for the Eden area and for the Survivor area


No execution of any GC

Does not collect the used object though available.


Note that if you execute the class-wise statistical functionality when specifying -XX:+HitachiVerboseGC and -XX:+HitachiVerboseGCPrintCause in the JavaVM start option, the following information is output to extended verbosegc information:

The above information differs with the information output by an argument specified in the jheapprof command. The following table lists the relation between the arguments of the jheapprof command and the output information.

Table 9‒14: Relation between the arguments of the jheapprof command and the output information

Argument of the jheapprof command

Type of GC

Cause for GC occurrence


Full GC

JHeapProf Command



JHeapProf Command