
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

7.7.6 Identifying the Request for Which Timeout Occurred

This subsection describes how to use trace based performance analysis to identify a request that has timed out if a timeout occurs while receiving a response on the reverse proxy of a Web server.

If a timeout occurs while receiving a response on the reverse proxy, the message AH01102 is output to the error log of the Web server, with the detailed information indicating that a timeout has occurred. Based on the thread ID and time included in this message, search the Web server request log for a proxy trace. The following information is output in the proxy trace:

By comparing the root application information of the trace based performance analysis output in the message of the proxy trace with the root application information output in the trace based performance analysis file, you can check where in the trace based performance analysis the request timeout occurred.

You can also check the URI of the request that has timed out by comparing the corresponding root application information with the root application information output to the access log of the Web server. Based on the information, identify the request that has timed out.