
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

7.3 Collecting the trace based performance analysis file by using Management Server

When you use Management Server for operations, you can collect the contents of the trace file output to each host on the management server in a batch by using the management commands (mngsvrutil) of Management Server. Note that the PRF trace file output by the PRF daemon is a binary file. Management Server collects the file obtained by issuing instructions to Administration Agent, editing the PRF trace file in a text-format (CSV) file, and then compressing it (ZIP format). The PRF trace output by the hosts in the management domain can be collected on Management Server.

Note that the trace file edited in the text format is called the trace based performance analysis file.

For details on the management commands, see mngsvrutil (Management Server management command) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

This section describes about the collection methods, output destination and the information of the trace based performance analysis file.

Organization of this section