
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

5.5.1 Structure of thread dump information

The structure of JavaVM thread dump information is as follows:

Table 5‒21: Structure of the thread dump information

Output information



Date, JavaVM version information, start command line is output.

System settings

Following information is output:

  • Java home path indicating the installation location of the JDK execution environment

  • Java DLL path indicating the installation directory of the library configuring JDK

  • System class path

  • Java command options

Operation environment

Following information is output:

  • Host name

  • OS version

  • CPU information

  • Resource information (in UNIX)

Memory information (in Windows)

Current memory usage size and various unused size information is output.

Java heap information

Memory usage status of each generation of Java heap is output.

JavaVM internal memory map information

Memory area information securing the JavaVM its self is output.

JavaVM internal memory size information

Memory size information securing the JavaVM its self is output.

Application environment

Following information is output:

  • Signal handler

  • Environment variable

Library information

Loaded library information is output.

Thread information

<Thread 1>


<Thread n>

Thread information for each thread is output.

Java monitor dump#

List of Java monitor objects is displayed.

JNI global reference information#2

Output the number of global references to JNI maintained by JavaVM.

Explicit heap detail information

Output the following information for each class of Java process when you use the Explicit Memory Management functionality:

  • Use status of entire Explicit heap

  • Use status for each Explicit memory block

When you execute the eheapprof command while using the Explicit Memory Management functionality, the statistical information of object within the Explicit memory block and the release rate information for the Explicit memory block is output.

Class-wise statistical information

Output the following information for each class of Java process specified by the jheapprof command.

  • Total size and reference of instance as the member of an instance

  • Total size of instances possessed by static member

  • Total size of object classes and instances causing an increase in the Tenured area


The time when thread dump terminated is displayed.


In UNIX, the notify pending list might not be displayed.

For details on the JavaVM thread dump information, see -XX:[+|-]HitachiThreadDump (Option to output the extended thread dump information) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide. For details on the class-wise statistical information, see 9.3 Class-wise statistical functionality. For details on the Explicit heap details information, see 5.5.3 Output contents of Explicit heap details information.