
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

4.13.1 In Windows

Save the performance log after the occurrence of errors. For details on the performance operation, see the manuals provided with the OS.


The OS statistical information can be acquired only when collection of the performance log is started by the OS-dependent performance function in advance.

Extract the following system monitor logs when a J2EE server is running at an interval of 60 seconds. For details about the settings methods, see the manuals provided with the OS.

Table 4‒31: System monitor settings

Performance object


Item name




%Processor Time

CPU utilization (total value excluding the threads in non-idle state).

%Privileged Time

CPU utilization (in kernel mode).

%User Time

CPU utilization (in user mode).



Cache Bytes

Number of bytes used currently by the file system cache.

Cache Faults/sec

Frequency of fetching from different memory location or from the disk per second.

Page Faults/sec

Number of page faults per second.

Transition Faults/sec

Number of faults per second.



Handle Count

Total number of handles currently opened.

Page Faults/sec

Occurrence rate of page faults.

Private Bytes

Used memory (bytes).

Virtual Bytes

Used virtual memory (bytes).

Working Set Bytes

Used actual memory (bytes).


%Processor Time

CPU utilization (total value excluding the threads in non-idle state).

%Privileged Time

CPU utilization (in kernel mode).

%User Time

CPU utilization (in user mode).

Page Faults/sec

Occurrence rate of page faults.

Thread Count

Thread count.

Private Bytes

Used memory (bytes).

Virtual Bytes

Used virtual memory (bytes).

Working Set Bytes

Used actual memory (bytes).


--: Not applicable