
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

4.10 JavaVM log (JavaVM log file)

The JavaVM log is a log that you can acquire with the extension option added by Hitachi in the standard JavaVM. You can acquire more troubleshooting information as compared to the information acquired from the standard JavaVM. The JavaVM log is output to the log file, when any of the following options are specified. Note that this log file is called the JavaVM log file.

Other than this, you need to specify in options even for the output contents and output method. For details about settings to acquire the JavaVM material, see the subsection 3.3.17 Settings for Acquiring the JavaVM Material.

The JavaVM log file is output with the specified file name in the output destination specified with the -XX:HitachiJavaLog:path-and-file-name option. If the file specification is omitted, the Java VM log file is output under the name of javalogxx.log in the directory specified in the parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. xx is a serial number of 2 digits starting from 01.

Reference note

When you perform the settings to output the JavaVM log file, create a file while starting the JavaVM. Therefore, until the JavaVM is terminated, the JavaVM log file without any information remains, if the JavaVM log is not output.