
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

4.5.2 Output Destination of the EJB Client Application System Log

The EJB client application system log is output to the directory specified in the following keys:

When different values are specified in both, the Java application option definition file (usrconf.cfg) and system properties, system property settings are valid.

Note that in system properties, you can set the output destination for the following logs only:

The cjcldellog command operation log (cjcldellog.log) and cjclstartap command operation log (cjclstartap[n].log) are output directly under Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\client\logs (in Windows) or /opt/Cosminexus/CC/client/logs (in UNIX).

Important note
  • The standard output and the standard error contents of an EJB client application are not output to the log file. To output them to the log file, either uses the user log function or redirect.

Logs for multiple processes are output under a single directory (the default is the ejbcl directory). Note that, if you want to have a separate log output destination for each process (each application), specify the respective output destinations in the key of usrconf.cfg.

The following figure shows the output destination of the EJB client application system log.

Figure 4‒1: Output destination of the EJB client application system log (When specified in the option definition file for Java applications)


Figure 4‒2: Output destination of the EJB client application system log (When specified in system property)
