
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

3.3.15 Settings for Collecting a User Dump

This section describes the settings to acquire user dumps in Windows.

Organization of this subsection

(1) When the task manager or the Windows debug tool is used

When the product hangs up, the user dump becomes necessary as the data required for troubleshooting. To obtain the user dump, use the task manager or the Windows debug tool. For details, see the Microsoft website.

Note that if you want to instantly obtain the user dump when JavaVM terminates abnormally, specify the following settings in the registry before you start the product. The registry settings affect the entire system, so take adequate precautions when you specify the settings. However, cjstartsv.exe, cjstartweb.exe, cjclstartap.exe, and adminagent.exe are automatically set up when the product is installed.

(2) Using the cjstopsv command

When acquiring user dumps using the -fd option of the cjstopsv command, you must set up the output destination directory of the user dump in the environment variable CJMEMDUMP_PATH. File name of the user dump is cjmemdump.dmp.

The following is a setup example of the environment variable CJMEMDUMP_PATH:

Setup example of the environment variable CJMEMDUMP_PATH

In the above-mentioned example, cjmemdump.dmp is created under C:\temp.

When specifying the environment variable CJMEMDUMP_PATH, note the followings:

(3) When the user dump is obtained for the forced termination of a logical server

When you use Management Server to set up the system, specify the output destination directory of the user dump in the environment variable CJMEMDUMP_PATH to obtain the user dump for the forceful termination of the logical server. If you specify this environment variable, the user dump can be collected beneath the directory specified in this environment variable when the logical J2EE server is terminated forcefully. The user dump file name is cjmemdump.dmp. For details, see 4.1.11 Setting environment variables of the system in the uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide.